Friday, November 25, 2005

Last but not Least

Ah, 25th, the final day of my i woke up earlier than usual. after some thoughts, i decided to go get them some lipton tea bags and biscuits as token of appretiation. another thing about waking up early is that i think a good day starts when u wake up early...i think....

My 1st doubt was if any supermarkets like NTUC/Shop N Save were open at this hour....but i still tried my luck and hey, Sheng Shiong is open! The place is still kinda in a mess , all the unpacking...( it's always quite messy but now worse) plus it's flooded wiht water...i bought what i wanted, checking the expiry dates and whether if it's Halal before heading to get lunch at my market..this time i bought Nasi Lemak...ahah as some form to commemorade my last day? hahahah

Looking at the watch's face, i knew i had more than enough time, which means i can do things at my pace....ahhh great day to start with, including an mrt that ain't too was drizzling slightly by then. and when i reached there i had a conversation with this china researcher in the AVA labs based at St John's ...ahha i found out i am having probs converting some eng terms to chi....

anyway the tables ad chairs of the boat were mostly wet, and neither do i have a choice. I started by browsing thru Today, and b4 i can finish i already reached there....hmm saw the usual half's water transparency is 3.5m...good day it is....

well the usual again, but before i finish sweeping the hauling boat wee tagged along to look at the operations...this time they changing the net for C1...cobias net. Last week that hauler broke C1 they were untying everything and all...i was juz looking ahhah....the scuba divers removed the weights and secured the new net to teh old one, and prepares to change. ahha that uncle damm lol coz i asked him how u all change, then he say "shirt dirty must change" in

some cobiad trapped at the old net but after awhile they managed to shift it back....he was telling me the old net sometimes u can find sea horse and starfish , and this made me really cool. i only see captivated seahorses and all...ahhaha cool! today rocks the haul up that heavy net, flower crabs, whatever crabs big and small, fish(kelong aka the perch) and all came pouring out....shiok the net was brimming wiht life...i took a pail and collecte anything i could; small groupers/goby, kelong, crabs, but still no sea horse...even loads of shrimps wiht eggs! nice...well the net was rather long, so i classified it into 3 layers; top whihc was mostly long hair mosses, middle wiht some algae growht and corals and all, bottom where life is thriving so well the net's holes were covered. wafter arranging the net into the boat i found a seahorse at the mid portion while they were loading it on the boat. but i think it;'s too's true that we were the ones that gave them life, but that doesn't give us the right to take away thier lives....hmm but oh well still got the new net and C2....

after all the complications and shifting the old net up step by step, everything was cleared. then we headed back wiht a pail full of dead perch, living crabs got one v and black they were saying all nice to eat. when loading the net back to the kelong, i tried to find more fishes but to no avail...when everything setelled down i found a dead leatherjacket...sad case probably kena stepped on...i oso found some brittlestars....brittled too, but still can identify ahhaha

then we had lunch and they went off while i continue to find more stuff, hoping to find more survivors...i threw back to the sea a few crabs, took photo of a spider crab and they went off in the hauler boat...actually wanted to go back together but aiya forget it...i want to stay here abit longer....well i finished reading Today and felt too tired to complete Sudoku nor my HW, so i took a nap, and i was woken up by them. that means time to go....i packed up everything and went back to bathe

okay i realised the toilet doors couldnt be locked, so i stuffed my bottle at the corner to prevent anyone to enter, but i tried and i still can open the door....
"aiya dun care lar faster bathe can liao. dun think. plus this time i think the mother and her kids prob went back liao" i thought about it and quickly got things over and done wiht.

then i decide to take a hike to the Hatchery just up the hill....since i had more than an hour before the boat arrives...ahhh it's like hking thru bukit timah...termites, ants, the cicada buzzing and brids chiping....i went quite deep in and found the aquaculture centre, but i dun think i'm su[pose to walk around there so i went off to anotehr route...this route was weird. the top on was overed wiht overgrowth, the bottom one was filled wiht termites, ants and i doubt i can's like i'm not suppose to got there...eerie feeling...well curiosity kills the cat, so i took a few steps forward, looked around, then went back...dun want to walk into the haunted bungalows...

well today's water was great, i can see the sargassum erected high from the bottom to the top of the a forest in water....
i saw this really beautiful halfbeak about 7-8"...then after that a shoal of wrasses swimming among the forest of sargassum....its waht i like so much about nature. it's someting that human can never replace, nor replicate an exact copy of it....(dun count some pro aquarium shops and underwater world....)the water is neither dirty not clear, and it;s this flaws that make it looks perfect. ( lol contradictory statement...)

i slept thru the whole journey and on my way to the MRT station i met this NYJC PE teacher! his facil expression tells me "eh i seem to know this guy" and i knew who he was after some thoughts....ahha nice person....small world....we chatted abit and then i went to eunos instead to find that medication for my BGK, but i realise i dun have $$$'s like...$12 plus...zzz...well after consulting with the assistant in the LFS i went off back home...walking...i thought eunos was rather near, least i had the free brochures/booklets about fish keeping to entertain me. by then i reach home it was 7...the skies was filled wiht streaks of REDclouds....wah with the blend of the blue sky....perfect way to end my day....

then i went back sweaty, tired and noticed my water for medication was used to change the watre of my community tank...i was damm angry and exploded. i was trying to save my fish and u had to do this to me? SO what if it's infected wiht a virus? cant u give it a chance to survive? i'm already finding ways to cure it, but u all gave up hopes on it? preposterous! i spent $8 on it, it's my money, my fish, why do u have to bother about it?!
i sotrmed off to soak my clothes and immediately after that i realise there's no need to do maid juz merely tried to help plus she doesnt know what's the water specially for....well it's not worhty for something this small to ruin my great day...rahter it's this problem that i have to overcome to make my day even better! after watching tv and all i cooled down alot and well i smiled and i think everyone got things over....Hahhaha

Life is never perfect. It's the ups and downs that makes it interesting. The challenge is to overcome the "downs" and u'll be able to see the beauty of Life itself. That, is the perfection of life.

okay whatever


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