Thursday, November 17, 2005


well i woke up and it's raining
like this cat, i'm kinda like...sian...hate to start my day with rain. But well looking on the BRIGHT side, there's no sun! and judging by the clouds i believe it'll rain for sometime, whihc means no more BURNING!!!! Anyway i kinda woke up late coz my sis stayed in the com room aka my bedroom till v late...basket make me share the fan and suffer in the sweat glands are already destroyed from yesterday's again i had to rush. but thinking that i'll probably be darn early again i tried to slow down my pace, yet my mind keep telling me to chiong....zzz

this time i bought chiken rice instead....phew...but the uncle was like taking his own sweet time while i bitterly wait for my lunch to be done. "wah ka kin ar...chiong!!! late liao!" these words kept buzzing around me but still, i manage to convince myself to take my time. afterall i reached there the baot was still at sea...basket....i started applying sunblock even knwoing i'm wearing long sleeve shirt, and it's drizzling....then before i knew it time to board the boat.
the usual, i read Today that i grabbed while on my way to MRT, and took a short nap...

this time water transparency is 1.5 wth....pathethic no fish no nothing at the harbour....but i found something to do when i reach the kelong; sweep away the water that flood the place. whee....what seemed to be an endless supply of water juz cannot be removed despite sweeping soooooooo many times...made me feel really lethargic...then it was time to go transfer the fishes to the new net...

this time got some officiers from the island reseach centre to collect some eggs and stuff i sun still so everything was great. We shifted marbled groupers, spotted groupers and sea bass( aust and s'pore) to their new's was quite a cool thing....and the fishes are really...huge...lifting them in a net was already tiresome....then the empty net cage had some batfish so i caught them up and put into a pail...this guy wanted to bring back and keep...then Mr Chua, who seems to be the overall IC, noticed this conspicuous looking blended in perfectly into the sargasses floating around it....i took sometime to even notice that leatherjacket fish....really cool 1st time seeing something like that....Discovery channel seem to neglect this fella....

well the nets are covered with moss, algae, and all sorts...brimming wiht life...i removed another flower crab from the net and released. but that's besides the point. it's that the net was so "dirty" that my gloves, sleeves and shorts were kinda...dirtied too....zzz but whatever. some guy got stinged by that fire being sadistic but it';s the FIRE plant that makes me laugh....

anyway went back and had lunch ....was really hungry....then thye slack, i went to fish...muahah this time i brought my net and some plastic bag...but well those big fish i caught died really fast..i released most of'em....i broken my record for getting 4 fish in one single cast!!!! wheee....
anyway then caught some small ones...the "croaking" one and realised it really produce noises! this big one i caught was like...sending some morse code....weird...somehow the more i fish the...more sad i become....i stopped after sometime 4 kelong fish and one tambang(the very common n easily caught type) and some other really cool one...spotted wiht a green back....a true beauty....but all die in the end... my bro was saying he;s dissapointed in me for destorying the ecosystem...hiaz it's already destroyed....but i think catch and release seems

well after that went back and washed up.Since the guy wasnt there i went to the gents instead. well toilets serve the same purpose, but now i know whats the diff. male showers are shared while female ones are that makes the man's one more spacious, provided the whole toilet is only used my one person...

anyway after taht waited at the jetty and saw another sea urchin....hmm the water transparency was really pathethic but got better after awhile....hardly see any fishes in the water though....well got back and bought milk tea and ice blend for my maid....wiht a purpose...muahaha. coz last week when i walked past that shop i noticed this...not bad lookig girl working there...the last time i bought was some..."fat" lady serving me...not that i'm discriminating against fat pple. well yest went there but no luck, today she's there, but there's always this guy...i think the shop owner as they seem to rent 1/2 the HP shop to didnt really get to tlak or anything, juz exchanged glances....then the toehr lady came again...zzz...but i left and when my maid drank she was saying wah too then i said made wiht love wad...and maybe she thinks i'm sweet....muahha


okay i know this is really crap, but hey, the whole day wiht all GUYS everywhere, why can't i juz look at one girl to end my day better? hahaha....i'm not desperate anyway, dun get the wrong idea.....

anyway back tot the point about...hmm wait a minute folks, that;s all!!! whee sleeping time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZZZZZZZ


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