Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Attachement? which type?

okay the title is dots....coz ZHan asked me whether i'm prepared for it....then i said whihc type? i'm prepared for both! ahhah okay anyway my lob shgadowing started yesterday...i have to "blog" them down coz i'm lazy to write a formal "diary" for the skool...

okay monday blues? nope, for me at least.i was looking forward to this day, 14/11. I'm fionally going to my attachment programme at St John island...cool i was hoping to catch fishes for sample and hopefully kop("steal") some to cook/keep....my bro made me abit sian by telling me that his friend take water samples....zzz

anyway i walked in a circle to "discover" my way to the MND complex from tanjong pagar mrt....luckily my instincts told me i should walk in circles....when i got there i'm already sweating all over. After that Ms wee had a talk with me about all these stuff why i join, do i know how to swim blah blah....i was so pai say when i answered "wrongly"....coz she asked what u think is aquaculture...i wanted to say something about fishes but i trusted my bro too much...lol water sample....zzzz...anyway there's another guy called malcom, grad from Queensland university of the course Marine Biology....my dream come true! heard that James Cook Uni better....anyway he was saying the job vacancy in Spore for these things is very limited....so i'm kinda qwerty....happy and puzzled...we then went to get lunch and headed to some pier, waited for the rain to stop to load fish pellets then move on the the offshore farm...

well that place is juz a kelong....lol not what i expected, but it's not something i dislike either....they explain to us the things, intro us to pple here and there, got assigned life jackets and gloves...well all malay fishermen about age 30-50+ working and 2 chinese divers annd Mr Chee the IC.They're all very friendly, esp the fishermen. they made me feel like i'm talking to friends despite some problems communitcating.i know some malay, they know some eng, so well it's rahter okay... i can see shoals of small fishes everywhere and some sea eagles soaring in the skyit's like...really cool....i always wanted to live in a kampong life...out of all the hustle and bustle of the city life....anyway we ate our lunch before heading to the rearing area....hmm they feed them pellets....fish like red snapper, sea bass and some super big 3ft fish....i thought it was shark but realised they're juz some really BIG fish in a feeding frenzy....at the platforms we had to remove all sorts of fallen braches to prevent them from spoiling the net....then between the sargasses got this cool juvinilt batfish and some crabs....

went back and slakced around. After ms wee left then they started fishing ahhaha....
" ms wee here cannot fish. come here talk talk talk...mr chee okay." they were saying all the things they do and what i need to take note of....after that we took the fishing boat to the rocky shore of st john island then climbed up the slippery slope. then thye headed to bathe but i realised i only brought change of clothes and a towel but no soap, so i juz washed myself and realised i'm super early and i waited for the boat to arrive. well i walked around and ka jiao some crabs and tried catching them but well no place to keep at home so....zzz anyway when i wlaked ot the harbour i saw corals and all for at least....2-3 metres deep! loads of shoals of fish and some squids too! u dun get to see that in s'pore longkangs or whatever harbour.....my bro mentioned that he went there 5 years ago and the sea was so clear u could see the fish getting hooked by the bait, but now....land reclamation and all is lost....hiaz even the fishermen were saying last time lobster, fish and sotong everywhere, now hard to find....hiaz....
for the benefit of mankind we have neglected what we use to have and failed ot cherish and understand what means most to us....
anyway arrived at clifford pier and followed the crowd and found myself at a rather familiar place, raffles MRT station....went back hungry and tired.....zzzzz

okay coz i was suppose to do this today(wed) but coz of some stupid error dunno what i typed for the html cause my post to be deleted....despite the recover post thingy it only recovered 3/4....the rest all gone down the drain...@#$%^...i was like....okay forget it...so the one above wasnt original....okay now i shall faster finsih up "this" day one...
i kinda woke up late coz i didn;t have my HP aka alarm set, but thanks to my sis i got up incidentally...well i was told to meet at the pier at 0815...it leaves the harbour at 0830 SHARP....the words rang in my head like a broken record.....
" got one guy came 0833, ran after the boat but still...too late...." mr chee and co. was saying....

anyway i rushed and rushed while constantly reminding myself what i brought.... turns out hey, i'm too darn early! i even forgotten to get lunch, but luckily i saw some stall at the pier selling some food....Da Pao some noodles and went off to apply sunblock and all after yesterday's burns....
anyway another 45 mins of ride while i slept in the boat and soon reached there. while waiting for the boatman to prepare, we waited at some stand...i spotted a green puffer and some shoals of fish....really cool...the water transparency that day was great....

anyway it was high tide now so the boat was "further" apart from the shore, so they dragged it up and there we go again. today the 1st thing i did was to sweep the floor clear of water due to the rain...everyone keep telling me to relax, but when i did i feel like i have nothing to do....lol.then the usual....fed these fishes another time but missed the afternoon session, learnt how to check the water transparency...which was 3.5 m that day and realised they had this other net cage keeping the sick fishes and some fish they caught, like an adult batfish!!! it can fetch quite a price in a marine LFS lar.....got more burns and slept and learnt how to fish after looking at them....really cool my 1st time and i'm already successful....but still noob. the pros cast once, catch 3-4 fishes...this other guy caught 2-3 lobsters while he set up the bait in the lobster traps....anyway then when we were about to leave i quickly removed my final catch, a really small fish and threw it back...it's a really poor fella the hook was so big for it till it ate the hook whole...i had a realy hard time removing it...while i felt croaking movemnts....like it was pleading....sob....in the end got it out but the inner mouth was really injured...
went back on shore and went off wiht another guy to a further toilet, but he said it's better no one there to disturb u....i agree too i rahter bathe alone and the whole toilet was mine, like that during dboat. then he was pointing to the female toilet and say u use this i got he other one.
"huh can meh? ahha" i was completely astonished.
" yar can! no one using anyway" he replied with assurance.
so well...it's not the 1st time i entered "this" kind of place...no one somemore. well actually toilets are all the same...i washed up and as usual too early...i walked about again and looked for some stuff to decorate my tank before heading to the harbour to look at the corals. this time it;s not alot of fishes, but still the usual shoals of fish. i oso noticed a sea urchin...u dun see one in east coast, and u only see the skeletons in pasir ris coast....this one is real and alive! the sea is brimming wiht live and energy!!! i even noticed some corals at the shore area with butterfly fish and other fishes....all these sold at the LFS could be quite ex...heheheh

well went back the usual path and finally got home. tired....


okay today i woke up late coz i was really damm tired....lethargic....pulled myself outta bed and went off, but not in a rush anymore coz i know i'll have to wait....but then i keep thinking that i'm missing something....when i reached there i realised no shampoo and soap! darn i'll guess i'll have to dismantle the hand washsoap box and put it back, like what i did in dboat. then worse, my mp3 player had no batt, and the spare one i brought was...oso dead....i'll guewss i have to sing myself songs...lukcily i grabbed Today to entertain myslef on the ship...

this time the water transparency was 2.0m...pathethic...the sun was damm hot...no rain, nothing to sweep, nothing to do. slacked about and then followed them to change the net cage....basket the ropes so heavy and filled with algae and all sorts of things....i got cut by something and i didint even know i was bleeding until i saw my finger covered wiht blood....funky....they were saying must take care of myself and was warning me about the fire plant that cause one to suffer from icthyness so serious that u cant sleep at nite...whee....anyway went back damm dizzy....ate some snacks and then looked at them prepare the nets....then went out again to secure the inner net to the new cage after dragging the old one back....zzz so basically, whole day under sun, get dizzy, watch them do things, help abit then went back.
i went to fish but then spoilt it after catching 4 fishes...lol crap...so i went to eat my Char Sao rice, which i suddenly realised i was surrounded by malays....i dun want to offend them or whatsoever. luckily most of them were sleeping, the rest playing checkers and fishing, so i quietly sat and ate alone.
then i realised...."there is no spoon"....like omg...so i went to take a disposable one and when i thought of washing i stopped, turned arounf and destroyed the evidence....muahhaha....while waiting i slept again....after that did my chem tutorial.this time i smart i brought things to do, but wiht my constant motion sickness 24/7 esp after i reach home(even NOW) i barely did anything much....1st time i was so stuffy, so dizzy because of staying on sea for too long....but never puke though.....the bloody weather toasted me like a bread in an oven; unevenly brown and crispy....plus no wind and the life vest is making things worst for me.....

anyway went back and noticed the tide didn';t subside that much compared to past 2 days....the usual female toilet, juz that the dismantling the hand soap was a futile attempt....it was METAL....seems ot me like some lock is required to open, so well i squeezed a handful of it and went off to bathe...got out early as usualy and hey i got to wait 2 hrs?!?!? my watch reads 330, but he boat leavees at 530....like wth? so i went to slack around and saw this guy working at that boat playing golf....lol cool....he was hitting it like tiger woods, juz that there;s no hole...well i stared at the water and realised it still wasnt as clear as before....but still okay....then got on board and waited

the sun was still toasting me so i went to change sit, then when pple form ava left this guy sat at my table. he was asking me which poly for attachment, and i said TJC...lol
"JC got attachment? how long?"
"2 weeks ahaha. u?"
"oh so short ar? i 2 months liao still got 3 more....sian..."
then i got to know he's 3rd year in TP and takes dboating as CCA....small world that his cousin is in NY dboating too...cool....then he was complaining that his supervisor see him so fit let him do everything...literally....i was also telling him all the sai kang (shit work) i did, but it was more of voluntarly...coz there;s no other things to do...zzz

went back and realised i wlaked the wrong way back in the changi areial shopping centre AGAIN....lukcily i realised fast enough.... and turned back and headed to my usual route....tired...still suffering from this....dizzy mentality that i'm sitll on sea....everything i see appears...to be rocking up and down...shm.....zzz.....


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