Saturday, November 05, 2005

雨过之后更难忘记 就让回忆永远停在那里

hmmm very long since i update....since pple ask me update i think i oso should....hahah it's about time....anyway must remove that irritating pics that expire and take up space causing the blog's arrangement to be distorted....

well y update today? many days i feel i should, but for some reason i feel like blogging today....i think readers will think i'm like...dots to update about this thing but...well it's my sole anyway WARNING EXTREMELY SILLY CONTENT ...READ AT UR OWN RISK OF WASTING UR PRECIOUS TIME....

it was a few days ago when i decided to sell my clown knifefish in the forums...not many viewers but soon ple want my firned's by day i get kinda desperate to clear it for space. plus my family dun really like it....okay not family, but my maid who ends up being the one cleaning the tank complaining the 1.5 feet fish nearly biting her ....i agree as it kinda wanted to eat my fingers too when i cleaned...but after awhile i believe it understood....afterall i've kept it for 3 + years....from a mere 4" to now a 1.5 feet....that's really's like keeping something from the moment it was a juvinle and look at it grow and mature day by day. anyway my bro seems to hate every fish i buy...he only supports me buying the gar....well i dun really mind him commenting that they're gonna die or wad...i'll juz try my best to make them a happy fish.....sometimes i fail but at least i know i tied.....

then today this guy called me and wanted to collect the fish....well for his empty tank....before that i fed it some feeder platy but they had fish louse....turns out my clown knife suffered....and i had no chance of removing it as it really is a kan chiong spider...juz touching it will make it jump outta the there's a heavy lid for it...

me and my bro had a hard time catching it...remind me when me and my dad tried moving it to a larger tank....splashing everywhere....anyway sold for $20....made a huge loss...monetary wise and well....maybe mentally? ahhah i rarely had such feelings for animals....when some of my fish die i juz let them's my incompetence that caused my failure to keep it....but when u kept it for so long..u kinda establish a link with it....even though it's kinda rubbish and all to talk my fish to calm it down....

the 1st time i bought it coz i think it looked kinda cool...i always like unique fishes....saved it from a lfs in the market and i found out the toehr fishes in the tank might attempt to kill i fed it in the plastic bag in the tank....cute little fella...but as i feed day by day i didn't really realise it grew so quickly to be able to released to my tank...or maybe coz the otehr fishes were wiped out by my incomeptence....i was young and noobish then....with more than enough space, food and all it grew very quickly readhing 12" plus wihtin 1/2 year? hahah not sure....but when that tank was too small for it i shift it up to the 3 ft tank....slowly i fed it from small mollies to large mollies....i use to catch some long kang fish for long kang sealed....

well from the moment it went to teh 2nd floor i soon neglected i couldn't relaly find time for it as i was sec 3-4....thankfully it's hardy and could survive for 2 weeks without food...and water conditions like a swamp...algae and moss overgrowth....everywhere flooded wiht snails having thier buffet.....soon another tpe of snail appeared too...ahah....

this guy recovers really fast....whenever he got scarred by the rocks or driftwood, the next day it magic....i wanted to find it another companion but well....dun get to see it as often taht time and my bro and maid objected....hiaz i dunno probably coz it killed too many innocent fishes so it deserves even killed my spiny eel....juz becoz to accomodate one luo han...these lousy fishes are damm irritating.... so many fishes sacrificed...hahah every week $2....few weeks ago i managed to get a FOC 10" royal knifefish, but turns up the boss doesn't liek it and even tried attacking it...poor incompetence together with the state it alreadt was in....skinny and didn't want any fish at all...died after 3-4 days....sad my clown remains lonesome.....juz like me...

well when i decided to give it up for a cleaner, all new tank....i kinda miss it....after all it's something that made me put in so much effort and time on it...i didn;t take any pics of it....wanted to but water too murky or the glass reflected...but nvm it's image is already in my mind...when one loses something then will one know how to cherish it..........hope the new owner take good care of it

end of rubbish

anyway now after my noob and dissapointing results, i have been slakcing, com, listening to 11月的萧邦, lfs hunting....playing doom3 and dota daily....sometimes pw....but that's it....maybe its time to do something....coz i got my attachment at st. john island....then plus baka matsuri...sian....well its how well i handle my things...make space for other stuff....that's all folks....












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