Sunday, November 20, 2005

What's yours will be yours; what isn't will never be.

wah forgotten to post fri's "adventure" and now i forgotten all about it!!!! okay i have to DOTA, so i'll do this really fast.


okay that day abit drizzling but still okay. i bought vegetarian food today...for some reason. maybe coz i've not eaten vege for a few days and i feel weird, or it;'s juz that i killed too many fishes and felt guilty....

anyway reach there did notihg muhc..i was reading TOday for 2-3 times, playing Sudoku 3 different ones...rally get's u hooked onto it....then did one qn of phy, then looked at Alias make the nets....he's really great....the technique of this skill isn't rally passed down to the next's sacred....anyway he "fused" one string into a loop without's really me it;s a from of art, and i find it unique...

anyway then at 1st i thought it'll rain, wiht the dark clouds blocking a large portion of the sun's glare, it formed a very..."holy" look....ahhah v scenic with the birds soaring, the lush green forests on the island with the waves refelcting the light to's perfect....

anyway didn't even got to fish and sleep, but all i did was eat, look at them do the new nets, read Today. then when the other boat used to haul the nets came, the hauling-thing's pipe burst, so it's pressure is lost and cannot be operated any so what too do? nothing!!!! they called up the base to inform them and well, after sometime i took that boat back to keppel harbour hahaha...slack day!

on the boat alias was telling me about speaking malay, the haunted bungalows of st john islad, then about his past in JB and i had a great time sharing ideas with him. after awhile not much things to say plus i too tired so slept....

reached there, bathed and got a free ride to the bus stop...remined me of me going to the church wiht my good friend clarence for free tution of vectors...then when i went across the road to take bus the uncle say worng direction! i went bak and well, took 10 and got back.

then it started drizzling....luckily i was already at TK bus i headed to this fish shop but it was closed, then ni passed by this piano store...really nice the uncle there. i asked him about the price of basic piano and all...$950 ++....not bad feels nice going to visit these shops...

anyway after that it started pouring and i went to wait for the rain to stop before going back home....nothing much lar that's all


okay then yesterday i went to collect my lighting for my fish...comes wiht free coolling fan and moss!!! alrite the guy was okay lar...but i can already see he probaly DIY his light and sell me $30....basket...but the 1st time i saw him was like wah he's some shuai ge! i seldom say anything about anyone, esp guys....he from JB and i wnated to bargain but aiya, he from JB drive here, i form paya lebar go kranji....whatever lar...i never liked bargaining or do something i feel will cheat someone else. i make a really lousy, noob salesman. i gave him my $50, his gf gave me $20 then i said" okay, thanks. got anything i find u lar. " smiled and he say yar okay.

then i realise i sound like...some loan shark thingy...anything happen he's house will be on fire...hahah then went to C328( LFS) and well, all the same diff wasted my time...went back early and waited for dad to arrive. I reached home and started doing the lights thihng..circuits everywhere...but somehow i knew what do do despite knowing nothing about electronics.must be in the genes

anyway i found some stuff that my dad kept in the store room, brought out all the screwdrivers; big, small, u name it, u got it. coz the lights were attached ot each other, and my 2 ft tank din't have sufficent space to put them on. started doing all the wiring...the 1st one was okay. the next one needed a switch, another...conenction thing and some crappy stuff. went to brainstorm for any useless switches in my house and found 2 alternatives- one lamp not frequently used in my sis room, the other in the store room. the one in my sis room can be easily connected but well, rahter use somehing that is.."spoilt" but after taking out all the screws i realise that lamp had a ballast connected to the rahter confuing switch....instead of simply 1 wire it had 2...
ballast? what ballast? i looked for the dict but doesnt give me any electrical definition, so i wnt online and abracadabra! i removed the ballast and well, i simply cut, screw, plug and play. at 1st it was okay, then wen i wanted to switch it off, ZAP! i got shocked,but luckily it's those minor ones..then i immediately knew what was wrong..the wires soldered into the swtich was exposed...zzz

i went to find a shoe box, but holes for the wried ans switch, dumped everything and start the current flowing! okay at 1st it still lit up. next to switch of. now i'm sure i wont get shocked, and i was successful, but not for long. my habit of pressing buttons cause me to re-test it and well, i short circuited the whole 2nd switched off everything i know, disconnected the lamp, went to turn the main switch at the power supply box back on, then headed back to business...

then my mum told me to stop and said it was too dangerous. but hey, newton tired everything to find out what material was suitable for the lamps, Benjamin Franklin promoted his investigations of electricity and theories through the famous, though extremely dangerous, experiment of flying a kite during a thunderstorm.

anyway went to pack things, then did some cosplay thingy....zzz...for viewer's info i;m cosplaying Kurogane......


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