Thursday, November 24, 2005


i have no title so i beautified it....

today was okay...woke up sleepy coz waited for my parents to return from their freind's wedding my mum brought back 6 keychains...zzz

anyway i bought vegetarian food today coz i v sian of other food. today was rahter sunny...and i expected i would need to apply more sun tan lotion. well the usual again dun want to reiterate. but this time, i brought my tutorial and calculator!!! muahahah really nothing to do there, plus no sweeping =( so i do till lunch, and lef the last qn hanging. after eating i finally went ou to sea to help with some solar panel( photovolvic plate) ahah that chinese diver damm lol one. he keep asking me touch exposed wire and try if i tio shock. nothing! then he say okay u leg go inside water? i try and nothing! lol...then the other larger panel he still ask me remove my rubber shoes and touch and still? lol ahhhaah LAME

anyway this time i went back on the other boat to keppel habour( that means i went back early! wheeeee) and i was sooo sleepy i slept on the boat....after awhile i was woken up by the chao dah smell of my skin...basket the SUN!!!! ARGHHHH i'm already chao dah and still want to peng me....zzzz

anyway at the habour that uncle asked me " u know what fish is this?" as he pointed towards this 3 spotted fish, about 5-6"...quite big...then i say dunno. he replied archer fish...i was like really? oh yar hor...after taking a closer look...i even rememebered thier scientific name. Toxotes Jaculatrix
anyway went to bathe, at the GENTS....then went off.

this time i almost went the wrong the 2 way junction i stopped and wondered if i was going the correct way....uphill? or down? i went up initally, after seeing the 1st car moving that way, but then i saw someone cycling down...i have no idea where i'm going. then i decide to follow the cyclist, but then after awhile i wanted to change my mind.
" What the heck lar..i already walked so far if i turn back abit....nvm juz walk to somewhere...i'll juz ask that worker in front then...."
well after hearing that i'm on the rite track i felt relieved. phew....went back the usual way and went to some LFS to get some fish med for my BGK no avail...zzz. hope it recovers soon.

well that's all...tmr is my last day....great experience, though i have nothing to write for my report...i'll have to talk crap....zzzz

oh and another thing...need to post the names of the fishes b4 i cannot make my blog more fanciful....that 3 ft fish taht they cobia...

then the croaking fish that can beep morse called grunters/perch...

and the juvenile batfish

and some others..
Wrasse (eihter this or it's rainow parrotfish)

Kuning( i caught one)

golden trevally( i saw small one...not sure if it';s this view...)

tamban ( the damm easy catch one)

the "leatherjacket" filefish


dunno if i find more i'll post....sargassm is spelt sargassum...


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