Tuesday, November 22, 2005

blah blah balck wolf have u any sheep...

from my tiitle u can alrady guess it. either i have no idea what titile to give, or i'm sian. well if u guessed either, u're wrong. it's both. hahahah LAME....


okay the fancy monday was to show it's not monday blues, but rather an okay one.
i was...kinda late coz i slept late. had ot eat the Da Zha Xie( hairy crab) my dad's friend brought from him from china. these crabs are irritating....they are small and expensive...so that emans i'll ahve to try to eat every single part of it...it;s not the hairs that are the problem...anyway eat till 1130 and went to sleep, so woke up kinda late

this time i rememebred to bring everything as i posted a reminder on my hp, but i forgotten all about lunch as i was rushing to the train station. well looks like i ahve to buy there..i was really worried that i miss the train, but turns out i reached there juz in time to slack awhile...but i travelle in silence all the while...my mp3 player keep jamming...

well 1st thing there was to remove the nets...okay skip the sweeping floor part. it's the 1st thing i really do there after the rain, since the skies are rahter cloudy.... hahaha. wore the golves and long sleeved shirt to prevent getting chao dah and injured by FIRE PLANT...all the oil stained the yellow long sleeved shirt, and i cant remove it...oh well nvm. while they dismanteled the cage and transported wood to and fro the kelong, i was walking along the cage looking at the "drain" that was brimmig with life. all the moss, algae attracted a beautiful juvinile batfish and loads of crabs, whihc i had a great time ka jiaoing them and trying to examine them. i picked up a small fish that probably fell off from the net and landed on the platform....it's not the ones i usually catch but well i released it after that...i was busy playing wiht the crabs...they ran and i tried to catch them. lol i spotted a total of 3-4 different species of crabs...very well camoflaged into their environment....took some pics will upload sometime...

well after a LONG while we went back and i was already damm tired and hungry. after lunch i went to look at the barrels used for buoyancy of the platform. coz its exposed to the sea water for a long time, even corals grew on it. i took some pics too really nice. then i saw a mussle and removed it, while continuing to explore the other barrels...the stench is rather..."sea-like" and there are "sea cockroaches" lol...they juz look redder than the ones at home....

anyway found some small crabs, DOA. then i oos found this pregnant female ( DUH) crab...all that tasty orange eggs!!!! but she was very defensive...despite my attempt to pull her out. i gave up in the end as i kinda saw the "family"...the one that i pulled out is in a small container with water, and dead tamban(some fish that they catch) and another crab....lol...alias saw me looking at the barrels and shoed me which one is the fire plant, and by applying saliva to the wounds will be better. he also said the mussle here is edible but not nice. the ones at changi better....ahah i really respect him alot. he's already 50+, still fit and better stamina than me, knows so much...amazing....

well that's mroe or less...other than the usual TOday, Sudoku, HW....went to bathe and realise i forgotten all about my soap when i got home. ate more crabs for dinner...aiya shoudl be like that lar from my memory...lol CRABBY DAY


okay today is completely crap...too many crabs yesterday and today i got the bad luck.....it was raining and i got up later than ever....i reached the mrt at 0805 and was really anxious....will i miss the boat? swim there? ahhaha crap....i was in such a hurry that i forgotten to get lunch AGAIN.....i was hoping that my soap and shampoo was still there...

anyway luckilty reached there at the nick of time and all the while it was RAINING....the usual sweep, but this time it's futile attempts of sweeping. Coz it;s raining, despite the fact that the rain is rather small. pple are playing checkers, lim kopi, fishing in the rain, me? usual HW, Today, Sudoku, but this time add senseless Drawing and walking aimlessly in circles around the kelong....lol....by tthe time i swept the floor of one side the otherr side was flooded....so i was rather "BUSY" ....wth...i have no idea how to write my report....i think i need to ask ms wee to let me go have a wlak at the labs AT st john island itself...they ahve a hatchery there lar....basket....

turns out it was so boring i went to sleep, woke up and realise i stilll had loads of time!!!! MISERABLE!! it's bloody COLD...i'm like...dying...die from freezing, cancer( almost everyone smokes there), boredom and misery....

went back to check if the soap was there but well too late....but anyway i didn;t really dirty myself, so i cleaned myself alittle, then wore 2 shirts coz it's rellly cold...1st time wearing 2 clothes in s'pore....i can't wait to reach home and enjoy....hiaz.....zzz well that;'s all....


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