Thursday, July 27, 2006

Disciples of Materialism know the Price of Everything, but the Value of None.

woah today is a MUST-blog-day. i MUST share this experience of everyone, or just to myself. hmm long time no blog i kinda lost touch with HTML.... N.B. Readers pls DUN hesistate to post ur comments or tag at the freezing tagboard. thanks.=)WARNING: ENDLESSNESS OF SERIOUS FUN CONTENT BELOW! PROCEED AT OWN RISK

well for the past 2 days i was suffering in pain. unbearable agony. i deduce it should be mild food poisoning, but i have no idea what caused my suffering. i don't want to doubt auntie's Noodles, coz i have been eating them since EVERYDAY of last year. It happened when i was feeling quite queasy after break. chinese would say stomach got "qi" (gas). during lunch i ate porridge and barely had the appetite. i went home with my hands holding onto my stomach. worse part is, i have to go top up my -0.30 cents EZ link card. and the bus terminal is a 5+ mins walk from skool. i struggled my way there, frowning in qwerty-ness, and got onto my bus. before i could enter was an old man who was really having difficulties going up the bus.
"uncle ke yi mah?"
"ke yi ke yi"
"orh, buey yao gin man man lai hor"
so what the above means is kinda like i offered my help, but he said it's okay. when he got a sit he said xie xie and i greeted him with my smile. then when i got onto a seat, an old lady sat next to me, and i noticed the old man pointing to sit further away. knowing they looked like nice couples i gave them the sit. somehow, oddly, i was greeted by shocking stares by other passengers. cynics would say i just want to go home so badly that i "rushed" the old man up the stairs, and i wouldnt want to sit beside old pple. or maybe karma. whatever it is, i only did what i feel like it, as i closed my eyes pondering how can Singapore be graded so terribly for being Courteous. the warmth of simple thanks subsided my pain inside.

then as the bus ride continued, i was awoken by the long halt of the bus coz there's a lady with the child who requested for the air-con to be turned off or something like that. passengers started "quarelling" with the bus uncle that he should just move on and not waste other pple time, but he insisted that it would be his responsibility if anything happens to the baby. he requested everyone to get down and take another bus. although i'm not sure what the scenario was really, i decide to shut off my connection with the outside and listen to my mp3. I never liked dealing with human relations. they are too versatile and unpredictable. dead things are better off to deal with.

so i dragged my dying body home. somehow what my dad said came to my mind.
"this wine is v good for ur digestion. sometimes its good to take abit to help ur stomach"
this wine is an ancient pear wine. 70% alcohol. maybe my mind was sick too, so i took one large ice cube, and poured 3 drops of it. no feeling. tastes too diluted. i went to take a bath and went for a bigger sip. this time i can feel the slight burn and "meltdown" of the qweasy feeling. with the ointment i rubbed on my stomach and the cooling sensation inside, i went to bed. woke up without much appetite and i could barely touch my work. had bad diarrhea. i took charcoal tablets and went back to dreamland again. however i got kicked out of it continuously throughout the nite.

well, i felt so weak that i decide to take a shorter route to the bus stop. the bus stop that never fails to make me late for skool. so turns out i really am late. it was pets day that day too. struggled up the stairs in agony coz of stupid lessons at 4th and 5th storey. perfect way to start off my day. didnt ate much in the end, and went back early (ie pon after lessons) to take my delicious snack - paracetamol aka panadol. this time i felt better. no more dizziness, no more diarrhea, thanks to charcoal and paractemol cocktail mix.

27/7 - the Skies Anwered to my Deeds
today is....amazing. i start of with an explanation without parents letter nor MC to not attend PE, but i changed into full PE attire. show my sincerity i guess. besides, i have my PERFECT pe attendence to back me up. but that was not needed, coz it's the nice mr Fun. even his name says so. so i was told to do some stretching and chin-ups then report to him after the others complete their 2.4km, coz next week's NAPHA....zzz. well stretching wasnt a problem, but what used to be easy was now difficult. 12 was my max chin-up count, now i reach 5 only. i feel my muscles dying on me as i went up each count. sick i guess. i went down in disbelief, then did 2 sets of 2 before realising lots of the runners have completed their 2.4.


then i went off to break with my friends. this time i bought auntie's yu pian mian without mian. ahha different from chiken rice without chicken. auntie added wine for me, which makes the soup and fish taste even better. but when i was about to finish the soup i saw white things... i sieved them and realised, not to my surprise, worm carapace. i dunno i guess i'm nullified, either by my sian-ness that i'm sick, or i see them as proteins. yum yum? nah i decided to leave it aside and treat it as nothing. my friend offered me his water chestnut and sugarcane drink. thereafter when we were about to leave he nearly forgot his drinks so i gave it to him. then thirst came to my mind so i said something.

"i drink finish ar?"

at 1st it was okay; diluted coz it's less sweet. then when i wanted to throw i realise it's not empty. "still more water inside? impossible i emptied everything into my mouth!" in complete disbelief, i realise there's a tissue inside. then some flashback that he used that tissue to wipe water on the table before we sat down. woah....amazing....

1. my diarrhea have yet to subside
2. the juicy tender protein-filled insect
3. the bottle that is neither half full, nor half empty.
4. what next to repay my deeds few days ago? perhaps it's true good guys always die 1st. i'll learn to be a bad guy sometime. dun even talk about repaying, coz i dun want anything in return. somehow i got something back. wheee...

well my day still continues as so, with 3 amazing episodes in one 24 hr day. too much action kills the protagonist.
- end of undesirable content -

luckily after skool the looming LT2 welcomed me with the dark corner that lies the piano. hmmm after playing awhile, i went back home. on my way home i gazed at the skies wondering when i'll see another miracle. and wah-la. presto. abra-kadabra-alakazam! *note the pokemon* -__-"

the same phenomenon that happened during last year's cosfest! check my last year's july post. and guess what? same thing happened! darkness falls after the circular clouds move away and ominous low lying clouds covered the light like a blanket of shadow.

notice the end of the dark blanket lies another new patch of illumination, like the one i saw last time! the weather outside turned cold all of a sudden. it's like....complete 180 change. unbelievable. beyond explanation and imagination! impossible! i stood in awe-struck, shocked, dumbfounded, stupefied, astounded, astonished, flabbergasted, startled.....okay out of vocab.
i guess that's my answer to the end of my food-poisoning-saga.... an unforgettable 10 hrs of my life. *hmmm the way i end sounds like writing an essay about ur most unforgettable experience*


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