Friday, June 16, 2006

so many excuses to give to not do something, only one reason to go ahead.

hmm long time since i last blogged. just want to share one of my greatest experience with....myself.

mantis shrimp caught in m'sia...claw variation....colour looks pretty dull..perhaps due to stress...

this was what i cooked during my stay in china....pretty nice to relax in such a way. i call this Hidden Cooking Skill No. 73. coz it tastes okay, but the cabbage and mushrooms are abit raw.

same thing here....but this is called Forbidden Cooking Style no. 34! why? coz it's a mess. it tastes ....too salty and weird. bittergourd is too raw, too little eggs, too much carrots and other veg. chicken was cooked, tastes the best among the rest(most edible) the mee sua was okay but the soup made things worse.

ahhhh what can i see. the wonders of nature and natrual selection. this arachnid is a whiptail scorpion. not a scorpion, neither is it a spider.

"A uropygid, commonly known as a whip scorpion, is an invertebrate animal belonging to the order Uropygi in the class Arachnida, in the subphylum Chelicerata of the phylum Arthropoda. They are also known as the vinegarone or vinegaroon because when annoyed they can spray a vinegar-like mist." - Wikipedia

this kid appeared in my house 4+ years ago, and was recognised as some weird mutated cockroach by my mum so it's killed. the exoskeleton was thrown, thereafter i took from the bin to examine and wanted to "preserve" but due to athropy, i guess its' pretty difficult. then a juvinile appeared 2 years later. this was a moment to joy to me, as it gave me the idea that they are still alive and thriving well. i wanted to keep it initially, but knowing that being selfish wouldnt help, plus i have no idea about thier diet and conditions. despite checking the internet and getting necessary resources, i decided that i should let it go. what's yours will always be yours, what isnt will never be. thereafter, 1 year ago, i saw a real small one. about...3cm in was "drowned" in the pool of water in my toilet where we soak the clothes. i took it up carefully, and realised it's still alive. so i set it free in my garden. today, it's jut great. at 1st my maid was calling me for no reason when i was concentrating on my work, then when i went to check out what was happening, i was delighted. i manage to pick it up and took a close look at it. amazing creature. i played with it on my hand before letting it go again at the garden.

Whip scorpion

Whip scorpions are carnivorous, nocturnal hunters feeding mostly on insects but sometimes on worms and slugs. The prey is crushed between special teeth on the inside of the trochanters (the second segment of the leg) of the front legs. They are valuable in controlling the population of roaches and crickets.

Males secrete a sperm sac, which is transferred to the female. Up to 35 eggs are laid in a burrow, within a mucous membrane that preserves moisture. Mothers stay with the eggs and do not eat. The white young that hatch from the eggs climb onto their mother's back and attach themselves there with special suckers. After the first molt they look like miniature whip scorpions, and leave the burrow; the mother dies soon after. The young grow slowly, going through three molts in about three years before reaching adulthood.

Uropygids are found in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide, usually in underground burrows which they dig with their pedipalps. They may also burrow under logs, rotting wood, rocks, and other natural debris. They enjoy humid, dark places and avoid the light.


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