Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Days of boredom over and the enthusiasm builds up!

Sorrie for the loading time of my blog...too many pics to ease the tired eyes of all those reading.=) will lessen the size and number.
From the title, it already says the day i have in general though....well the day started bad by RAINING in the morning so i had to turn on the heater to the max to bathe. As usual i got prepared and left the house with my puny umbrella that barely covers me and my beloved bag...poor fella got kinda dirty from all the orientation and weathering....

Mine's black..this one's sedona-coloured
well i already knew i would be late for skool AGAIN since it was raining. The bus-stop and road was kinda roudy and eveyone waited for their respective buses in the safe yet narrow shelter of the bus-stop. My late-being was further comfirmed by the late arrival of bus 24...and when i boarded i barely notice any NYJC people or JC1 i used to see....well nvm, Jay music is always there for me. I was noticing how the bus vrooming past the sidewalks of pedestrian and splashing LOADS of water on it's way....i even saw this person holding 2 umbrellas; 1 for his head, the other for preventing the splashes...i think he was also wearing raincoat...sad fella, stupid drainage system.

when i reached skool i noticed more late-comers juz like me, and the OGLs were rushing us to reach the hall as we were very late. The usual walkway was flooded and we had to tip-toe for some portions and finally reached the skool by 0740...they were starting to sing the skool song which all JC-ONES heard it only for the 1st time. It wasn't so bad though, better than Maris's skool song that sounded like Marriage theme song at some parts when i was sec 1.

anyway after all the announcements we saw skits about ZION and the Smith thingy where they continued from where they ended at day 2. Blah blah black wolf, it was kinda nice and we were told about the schedules. Talks, games and stuff as expected....They talked about PEARLS(CCA points)....wah so boring and it was so chiem to get points....not like sec skool....the variety of activities needed and CIP hours....wah sian.....wad a day to start off with.

Then was 1st i was very sian to do that, but well after all the rehersing and all, it's quite okay. We had to partner with girls since it was complusory and our grp have equal no. of guys and gals. I was partnered with this not chio but i can see she's a nice person(dunno wad name lar...i dunno most people's name =P) Well anyway i was confused with all the dance steps, forgeting one as i move on to learn the other....soon when we had to rehearse the whole song and most of my friends were also blur like me...sometimes i juz stuck at which step is next, so i follow blindly. Surprisingly the Dance leaders still teaches us patiently and we did kinda well as a whole. The song and dance was kinda cool too, making the whole hall active and pumped up for the day.

After many rehearsing, we proceeded down to the respective game stall and play some silly games. Sam lost his voice so i didn't hear him clearly, and i was "hiding" at the back so i oso couldn't hear the instructions of the games...ahahha but after some cheering and gaming i was participating more actively than usual, which i think is good. Then comes LUNCH, which was sucky AGAIN....maybe i cannot decide which stall was good, or maybe coz i always take the one with the shortest queue which means it sucks.

well then we had to register our sub. combi.....haha i chose 3ple sci as 1st choice, then the 2nd was juz replacing the phy with econs....well that's wad i decided and discussed with my sis yesterday and my mum the day b4 and even got some comments by seniors and my i was kinda sure of my sub. combi. for 1st 3 months....
anyway we ran around the skool compund to the games station for more games. I was sweating all over(as usual) but not tired. Got dodgeball, croc. river where we had to remove our shoes and play like lamers...overall was okay, not so bad....

then we gathered back at the hall for cheering competition and then got dismissed for CCA "forced" by OGL wan xin and jeffery to register at CNNY and AVA...i think AVA was better coz it was a slack CCA!!! well anyway i found xuan sheng and more marists and i decided to also register for Dragon boat since it was kinda cool to prepare u for the i shall see how to juggle time btwn 3ple sci and dragon boat....if not AVA...muahah slack and maybe get some points!!!

well then i was accompanied by xuan sheng since he took the same direction as i was. This time i did not take any wrong bus, coz i was more alert and i was not in a hurry...well but then the stupid part comes...i was really tired after all the activities so i took a nap...which i think took me 1 hr+ and i missed my stop. When i was awoke i noticed i was already at yesterday was stupid, today oso blur. Y i missed the bloody stop? coz this time i really was 100% asleep on the seat...when i stand i'm usually 3/4 asleep, so i was aware of the time. well anyway this wasn't my 1st time oversleeping in bus 135, so i was felt rather secured as the bus took it's U-turn...well i took longer than expected(DUH...but the jay songs never repeated any tracks =D) and got home by 1810. My maid was complaining that she called at around 5 when i took one whole hour to get back...ahaha...once again i looked at my stupidity in awe....

well that's all, but i found out i arrive home tired and hungry all the time...maybe coz food sucks there, even worse than Nonya Manis in MSHS. i'll try to check out the noodles stall if possible and hopefully there's something nice....that's all folks. I'll post pics later, but now my stomach hungers for dinner...


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