Wednesday, December 22, 2004

It's all in your mindset....

well well, got scolded by everyone coz i'm ill having serious cough, runny nose and fever....well i have to admit i caused this all...Drinking icy-cold 7-up immediately after bball was one of the "reasons" that caused my current state of as the day passed the situation got worse, then better, then now i'm only slighty maid said i had a steaming hot maybe i can cook eggs on it....

I took my bath before going to bed again after eating sure was COLD...even i turned the tap to the warmest....sheesh maybe i'm juz so feverish everything was too cold....i was shivering as i exit the bathroom...then after waiting for my hair to dry, i went to dreamland....
then woke up, had to eat more med, but turns out i have to pay a visit to the doc after all....i'll do it after my dinner i guess....
i was sleeping the whole day...then eating med, then training my Pokemon, then sleep...wad a day! i watch Discovery or one of those documentaries about Taboo of how pple get using Leech, Bee-stings, MAGGOTS(yes the child of vile creature known as the FLY)...yes they are disgusting yet proved to be effective, saying leeches remove all the "dirty" blood from wounds, and maggots eating only decaying flesh....i was feeling qweasy after all that....but something came into my mind that was said in the Documentary.....

These things may disgust most people, but when one is ill and there is a remedy that doesn't require undergoing painful surgical processes and stuff, one will oversome the fear of these things....something that gives pleasure to the ill is considered a remedy....(er it was something like that...i'm suffering serious memory loss....)

I remember something about the thing "it's all in the mindset"....i watched this documentary(hey i'm not a boring guy....) about saying this old person running few KMs a crazy...and he's saying it's all in the mindset...

"i juz keep telling myself that i'm not tired and i'm gonna finish the run..."

it oso reminds me of "psycho-ing" urself that u are okay and fine if u are ill, and wah-lah, magic remedy using ur mentality....if u want to be something, all u need to juz set ur mind that u are gonna achieve that goal no matter wad it well i'm trying that too...not very efficient though coz i cannot think properly...hahah....

i was thinking about ZHan's blog....people without dreams and low dreams and all....and i appear to fall under that category of people with dreams that are un-achievable....well that's y they are called dreams i guess....i dream of being a Marine Biologist....for i ever-lasting curiousity over fishes and sea creatures....but then after all...dream....but i finally thought of my goal.....maybe to do R & D in s'pore Ornamental fish industry. After all, s'pore proved to be kinda famous for their unique "glowy" fish and all....then maybe i'll set up my own fish shop to sell and research that not only it is achievable, but also i can "remain in contact" with fishes....i hope some pre-U can offer some course like that, so that i can finally pursue my GOAL, no longer dream....

But for now, my short term goal....set up an aquarium for...maybe acherfish or something cool.....ahhaha....i'll try.....i'll give it my best shot....that's all folks....


well i oso caught a juvinile Chameleon from my toilet...ahha i released it to the garden outside....cute little fella....


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