Wednesday, December 22, 2004

maybe i'll need to take things more seriously

ahha 0011 hrs and i'm awake...... one of the wonders i gaze upon on myslef...anyway after talking to ZHan, i feel that i should write my blog as proper and detailed as possible. It doesn't matter whether anyone comes to read it, nor whether my HTML skills would improve...i found the purpose of this fill in the blanks of my life and let me remember some of the most important events and friends....also not to forget, kill time....=) ahhah....

One can remember all of the Things some of the Time,
One can remember some of the Things all of the Time,
But one can never remember every single detail of their Memory.

And that's y daries are made for a purpose. Everything has a purpose and consequence....well anyway enough of my "philosophy" stuff....about wait yesterday...forgot about 12 o'clock thingy.....the weather was welcoming me with it's warm rain, not too sunny( except for the afternoon), juz fine....since it was Dong Zhi, mum "ordered" me to burn the incense stick and paper and put some Tang Yuan as an the end, my bro did it all....hahah well i guess that's one less objective for me for that day....then ate onion rings too....odd though...5 rings and 4 tang yuan seems ALOT to ZHan...ahahha....milk-addict....

anyway then i went to meet up Edwin, some scout guy whom i know since sec 3....nice person and used to play bball....he was working and we waited for Xue Liang to come, but in the end got "pang say" luckily we already boarded the MRT and go to Toa Pa Yo ( funny the way i spell'em...i think it's wrong....) went to buy comics with Edwin at Comic connection..woah he sure is rich after working at NTUC and saving up....he bought loads of comic...ended up paying 40+ about the number of deers!(lameness fill my blog....ahah) anyway then we meet up with Kai Yuan, oso a friend of Edwin aka my friend too..lobster talk...and they went to play pool...i was listening to Jay Music all the way with only one earpiece in my left ear..ahha the other was....sadly "spoilt"...some connection problem...$40 and it was only bought last year....hiaz....back to the story...i watched them play pool and sat at the corner reading POKEMON comic vol. 16...i was outdated...didn't buy that comic coz it was $ about bucks and deers....sheesh expensive....Edwin was hitting the WHITE ball into the "goals" ahhaha....

"i'm not used to this stick...too rough and thick" he said in chinese(pls dun think's the pool stick...i'm afraid pple might....hmm....)

i was smiling my way looking at him and his pal play....amatures, but i'm worse i can't really comment on them...Kai Yuan's white ball flew towards me like a jumping some matrix thing slow-mo and i had to dodge...there was no time to think *whish* *crash*...ahah i was amplifying the whole juz landed below the chair...ahhaha....
anyway Kai Yuan won and we went off....he took bus home while me and Edwin took MRT....he bought a "faulty" comic book due to loads of printing problems, or rather cutting probs....loads of pages uncut...i used my Swiss army KNIFE and when i swung it open in the MRT, everyone was looking at me...ahha....i'm INNOCENT!!!'s only for self defence!!! then when we reached City Hall, the train was too crammed....Edwin managed to squeeze in, but was sandwiched....i din't want to squeeze...too uncomfortable...moreover i wasn't in a hurry to get we bade farewell and i waitied for the next train while listening to Jay...When u see me listening to music, 99% of it will be Jay...ahha....i'm a Jay Music fan....great influence-er too....hahah if SOMEONE read this though......then SOMEONE will know....anyway called andrew to play when i reached home i changed and went off in a flash...that match was crappy...maybe i'm still not used to the shoes, maybe i'm too lousy, or maybe the court was different so.....ahha i played like some loser....i did defence though..."rejected" one ball and prevent some shots...but my shots were all OFF...sheesh....where are the T-Mac Powers!??!

ahhah got a FEW shots...few as in 2-3...then i had to prove myself the end of the match i practiced 3 accuracy dropped...darn...need more practice....well i reached home sweaty and all, then rest and drank soft drink(which made my coughing worse....) and bathed then ate dinner at i'm having runny nose, or wad...well i'm better off than my poor pal Jing Da...sad fella....well things are getting better for him i guess, and i hope he gets well soon for me....i'm still in doubt....only Jay Music and ever understand....cya peeps....anyway this is MY LONGEST POST!!! WHOOHOOH WORLD RECORD SET MY MR QIU CHUANCHEN, OF HAVING ACQUIRED POSTING A BLOG SO LONG....HAHAHHA...rubbish


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