Thursday, December 23, 2004 condition worsen...

After paying my visit to the Doc last nite, i got my med...$23 bucks.....sheesh...but there's quite alot of med....anti-biotics, for phlegm, fever, cough and runny nose a drug addict eating all sorts of sis was worried coz she said my forehead is real hot and i'm having high fever last nite, but all i was trying to do was sweat to break the fever....ahhah it worked sometimes, but i got fever again soon enough. i woke up today feeling coughing worsen due to an increase in phlegm in my throat, mucus in the nostrils and fever(again....)

My maid called me up at 6 so that i can eat my i woke up, all dizzy and 1/2 awake...ate anti-biotics, then sponge cake (2 pieces) then all the rest of the med which are After food....then i went back to sleep.....

then i woke up at 11, when my maid called me to eat my med again and porridge was i went through the same routine (plus i watched my favourite episode of Spiderman on kids central at around 11 30) and got back to bed...but i din't really sleep coz i was thinking of bathing, so by 12 plus i bathed and well...thinking of sleeping, but with my wet hair that seems to take forever to dry, i went back to watching TV....Discovery Channel rocks my world.....

I was watching this documentary on the underwater caves in Cuba....they had 2 different fishes of the similar species living in the same cave....they were blind fish that due to the lack to light, thier vision gradually became useless after years of evolution....however one was in the freshwater, the other was in saltwater...since saltwater is denser than freshwater, they live in different environment and adapts differently....and the boundary that divides saltwater from freshwater looks like a layer of's so cool....

then as i waited for the next programme to was even cooler...about bugs in the world....but more of those that invade our property...or rather we have invaded their territories...they have been around for millions of years...then comes the 1st introduction of common house insects that "spit" digestive enzymes on the food and suck them up and thier legs carry loads of bacteria that it can cause serious illness. They also went in depth into the compound eyes of the fly...many thought flies see multi-visions like loads of TV broadcasting the same show on a large screen...however the brain converts these into a blurred vision. Even so, the fly sees things faster than they should, around 5-6 times faster, so they predict movement and thus escapes usually. It's so amazing, like the fly is living in a different time and space in the same dimension as's ability to predict is juz astounding....

next is about the cockroach...irritating pests that never die even countless research have been done to eliminate them, and this is due immunity...they soon build up immunity against these pesticides the health organisations decided they can only maintain cleaniness up to a certain level. Cockroaches are one of the most adapted creatures int he world...they eat anything that is organic, even fingernails of childern!!!( serious i'm not lying) When they are disturbed, they run off to hide in dark holes, which cause the case of cockroaches inside the ear holes of kids....this is really unsual as i've heard it for the 1st time....they are also every unique and well adapted creatues...1stly they have 2 brains, one at the head(DUH) the other at the even when u cut off it's head, a cockroach still can live for up to 7 days without eating(unable to eat coz no head, no mouth)...they have very high survival wonder they have been roaming Earth for millions of their antennae is filled with hairs that can pick up slight changes in temperature, pressure and nearly it can decide whether to run and at which direction. Cool, eh? Never know these creatures are so cool.

Then comes the spiders and their necrotoxin that decomposes flesh...this still remains a mystery to many scientists about how these things work...also in Aust. there's alot of cases of spider bite, especially the Black Widow which lives in houses as it's their permanent residence...luckily an antidote has already been discovered.

the WHITE-TAIL Spider that has been implicated in some cases of Necrotising Arachnidism

More about fleas causing the Black Death, bed bugs and if u think ur body is bug free, think again. On your forehead lives microscopic bugs that feed on ur skin cells by puncturing it and well, drinking the fluid inside....there is little known about these bugs and neither do they cause any sickness....Mosquitoes has the ability to detect CO2 emitted by respiration 100 feet away adn when night comes, the female mosquito changes to heat sensor and detect the area above the skin that has the highest concentration of blood...then injects it's proboscis into ur skin, release thier saliva that promotes blood to flow into them and prevent blood clot....then u wake up the next day scracthing at the itch....

that's all for today i guess....sleeping, eating, sleeping, watching a pig....somemore my maid made me eat so much( Sponge cake at 6, porrige at 12, more porridge at 2....mad....)

NOTE: due to memory loss, that's all i can remember for the shows that i watched...=)


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