Saturday, December 25, 2004

Awake!!! the Spirit within!

Okay, i realised that my past few posts were too much on documentaries....not that people wouldn't read my blog any longer coz it's stuffed with boring facts(wad most might think, but it's always cool to me), but rather this won't be a diary anymore, rather a documentary page....haha so i'll cut on explicit details on these shows and write more on my life! To make my blog more Reader-friendly, pics and diffferent font colours and size are used so that u readers won't get too tired...ahhah even i have problems reading long posts....

Well yesterday i was browsing thru channels of SCV as usual...i already mastered the positions of each button that i can juz press to view each channel...muahah...then suddenly i came to this 1!!! it was actually the preview channel for Animax, the Channel broadcasting 24 hrs of Anime!!!

then while i was killing time i saw Digimon Adventure, the 1st one...undoubtably, it's still the best compared to the rest. When i heard the Theme song for the 1st time after so long, nearly few years, this emotion came into me....i felt recharged's like bringing me back many memories...i watched that show when i was...pri6? or something like that....Digimon and Pokemon accompanied my thru these years and they bring back countless memories...when the Digimon evolved the songs, the characters...everything made me feel like i've return to the past....not much of those flash-back memories, but i had those feeling inside me....ahhhh those days.......

So i went to search for the Digimon theme songs.....sadly i have yet to find all, but at least some...hahah some songs make me remember wad i was doing at that my com has been reformatted and all the data is lost, so are my memories. Anyway, i spent Christmas eve playing Gunbound for few minutes cause i was too dizzy, then played Impossible creatures whereby i restart the whole mission coz i was too fed-up with it...well then i stopped due to 2 reasons :
-Mum was angry that i played too long plus i am a sick person, so i need more rest, even though my neighbours and their cousins were having a roudy party and it was impossible to sleep under such circumstances.
-My eyes were buldging like goldfish's due to excessive exposure to high light intensity...ahhah....

so she had to go redeem the UOB points and all, when the phone rang. I ran down to get the chordless, when i realised the alarm was already set. "damm, wad the hell?!?! oh wadever...." i picked up the phone, the alarm went off, i got scolded for my stupidity, they switched off the alarm, got more scolding, mum stormed off to bed, maid nagged me to go to sleep. wad a day to spend wonderful christmas eve!

anyway today was better, and i hope it will be. I was going thru the same ritual of teeth-brushing, medicine-swallowing, filling water into my mug at least twice and drinking it.....then i used the com...then when bro came back, the fun begins!!! my bro asked me to go K Box with hui Fen jie even though i was still...dizzy coughing and "runny nosing". i took the fastest bath ever and went off...

There i sang most of jay's song, and most of them was "zao xia", outta tune....coz i had both my nostrils blocked, my plhegm was makeing me sound odd....ahha but i did alrite at the front part of the songs...then sucky....hahah well my bro and his gf sang relatively well...9.3/10!!!! my bro taught me loads of stuff, or i should say SECRETS about singing....well it helped but due to my conditon...anyway i'll try next time..then maybe i'll get Ou Yang, JD and ZHan all my great pals....then we go SING OUR HEARTS OUT!!!....whoohooh....well i guess gonna spend christmas normally....Eating out! YAY! Look forward to the new year....more challenges, then i can oso go back to Johor and celebrate New Year with all my cousins....and most importantly ANG POW!!! even though it won't be the same without Ah-ma and jim po....ahha i miss them...

Only when something is lost does one knows how to cherish it, but it will never return again...


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