Tuesday, January 04, 2005

am i stupid, dumb, or real stupid....

NOTE: for the most "interesting" portion pls scroll down to the paragraphs after the red words

okay today started quite well though, despite the title of this post....due to the butt-cramps from yesterday, i had a good nite's sleep. I also realised wad OG and OGL was before my sleep....it means orientation group/leader...ahha stupid me....So i went to jc 1/2 awake, which was usually a good thing to start my day.....well anyway same routine to skool (including 28 arriving before 24) and i was late....ahah but not very though....anyway the hall was juz as crowded and i found my group and settled down....

i was chating with this retainee, can't remeber his name, but he's a cool slacker....pon tang the excursion and went off to home with his excuses. Luckily his house was really nearby the skool, so he went back to sleep then meet his friends and came back in skool after we return from our excursion.Indeed a pro....

well anyway we went to excursion with a silly flag which was every bulky coz it was long....poor samuel had to carry it and he had loads of things to handle in the grp so i decided to help him take it.....not that it's heavy, but it's....difficult to handle....so i was "flag-man" and "last-man" for nearly the whole journey since i had to be careful to people behind me if i hit them accidentally....
y i want to be flag-man? well one reason was to help sam, the other was to be the last person and stay low-profiled...dunno i juz dun feel like socialising...hahah

when we boarded the bus, the uncle disapproved us from bringing the flag in, but then well it was NYJC property, so we juz entered and put at the side of the stairs leading to the second storey. Well the uncle seemed kinda angry, but wadever...as long as we cause no inconvieniences to the public, i think should be okay....

anyway thankfully my friends helped me to carry it for the returning journey, then we passed it to some stationed leader from Ithor...the excursion was about finding and counting the lions, flight of stairs, history of this monument and almost anything lame u can think of at various locations like the art museum, raffels hotel, blah blah black wolf.....but the cathedral was really cool....i was inside for the 1st time...it was very....holy. i could feel the "holy air" filling the entire room. This kind old lady helped us in our quiz hahah.....she's a very nice person....

well the journey was kinda tiring, but most importantly i got sleepy....ahha i fell 3/4 asleep in the train standing up and OGL sam was saying,"wah qiang"(pro in chinese)

then i woke up and like huh? wad? oh....then i got back to "sleep"....anyway then comes OGL wan xin....ahah same response from her....then i was thinking, "oooohh-kay....dun sleep liao. anyway gonna drop down soon...."

hahah anyway we returned to serangoon and they decided to let us eat mac since skool food sucks....i was the only extra whom objected, coz 1stly i have only 2 bucks, and u can buy nothing filling in mac with only 2 deers....(wait...mac was never filling to me). anyway secondly i was kinda anti-mac guy....i used to eat, but i was kinda bored of mac even though i haven't eaten it for a long time....plus it was UNHEALTHY...ahhah

then we went back to the hall and did some cheers and info of building the float...looks chiem to me....we were divided to pegasus, griffin, dragon and er....some mystical creature(memory failure)....anyway i was in pegasus and the pegasus leader was kinda loss of voice...sad due to all the cheers....well everything he spoke all i heard and understood was 20%....the retainee was complaining all the time taht he shoudn't even come back at all....ahha true i agree with him....

well we were soon dismissed and blah blah black wolf(more delays due to more cheers requested and we were graded....ahhah) well here comes the worse part of my day(WARNING: in EXPLICIT details!!!)

when i was heading to the bus stop with my headphone on my left ear(yes again... i am "music freak") i saw the bus that i was suppose to take to home sweet home when i was running down the overhead bridge...so i hopped aboard "135" and decided to end my tiring day peacefully....

then as i was looking at the surroundings i was kinda stunned....i didn't remember passing thru this round-about when i took 135....anyway i was thinking maybe i didn't noticed the surroundings when i took 135 home yesterday, so i'll juz let my eyes rest while i stand-sleep again...this time i almost feel into deep slumber when i decided to check out the more familiar surroundings i hoped for....sadly, i didn't even pass thru serangoon CC, which was odd....

" it should not take so long to reach serangoon cc....odd...wadever...i was sure i took 135...i saw it with my own eyes" i told and reassured myself and waitied while listening to jay....then things went berserk when i saw SRJC....i dun even remember passing thru SRJC!??!?! then i noticed the SBS sign inverted from the back....it reads 136.....

"bloody freak!??! wad the heck!??!? am i stupid or stupid? i was very very sure i saw 135?!?!? this is juz great...wad kind of sense of direction i have....nvm i'll juz see where it goes...." i told myself as i scanned my surroundings....

then luckily i noticed Dean(my "saviour")...he was curious y i took 136, then i told him roughly in mouth-and-hand language....then i decided to move to the back and ask him how to find my way back....

thankfully he knows more or less where i wanna go, so i was directed to take LRT....well i did wad i was told, then waited for the LRT to arrive....wow 1st time taking lrt....heard loads of break down and time intervals of this train....luckily the wait wasn't too long and nothing bad happened....i ended up in sengkang and took the NE line to dhoby ghaut, then change to NS line to city hall, then finally to EW line back HOME.....

i was gazing upon my stupidity along the way...i was kinda pissed....but then i realised no point crying over spilt coffee and it wasn't the 1st time but the fifth time i took the wrong bus and ended somewhere FAR FAR AWAY....so well i decided to count how long my stupid journey of stupidity took....by the no. of jay tracks repeated, it was 21x4 mins= 84 mins=1 hr24 mins....i believe it broke the record of me getting "lost" in harbour front as the jay sound track didn't had the chance to repeat any songs....

well i reach home amazed at my own stupidity AGAIN and tired....on my way i decided to vent my anger on the pull-up bar...i only did 5 chin-ups with my bag on me...sheesh i use to do 8....well maybe i'm piggasized during the holidays....

well now after my bath and blogging...i feel better though...anyway the moral of the story is: i really should OPEN MY EYES REAL BIG BEFORE BOARDING ANY BUS.....


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