Monday, January 03, 2005

!st day in NYJC....boredom, stupidity and loss of enthusiasm

If i offened any OGLs pls forgive my rudeness.I'm too straight forward in the blog, but never in real life. =) pls comment on me if i tend to offend anyone and i'll stop more nonsense from me. Thank you and sorrie if i cause any probs.
well today was kinda stupid day...the title of my post says it start my day bad, i could not sleep well last nite due to many factors like MOSQUITOES(again), my sis turned on the radio AND the speaker of the com too loud....and i juz coudn't get any peace...even if i closed the door. Counting sheeps worked usually, but not yesterday nite. Maybe i was also too "egg-cited" about today's 1st day in JC....

anyway i went to the bus stop and waited while listening to jay(as usual) and finally the bus came. it was quite unsuspecting though...the usual bus i took was 28 which i had to wait for a LONG time, but now it arrived b4 the bus i wanted to take. Strangely, i was kinda energetic, not 1/2 awake even though i did not have a good nite's sleep. anyway, luckily i remembered roughly where was the bus stop, and i was furhter assured by the NYJC seniors dropping at the same stop as i am(duh). i almost "panicked" as it took longer than i imagined to reach the bus stop (maybe i was juz too anxious)

I walked towards the skool was an unusal sight to see the compound flooded with people with different uniforms and backgrounds....well anyway i made my way to the hall by following the bunch of people even though i already knew where the hall was. then i was approached by the OGL (which is some instructor thingy) and she asked wad OG i was....

"wad og?!?! i only know my group and sector."

i filled in the details and was told to go to the blue flag area, then i was seated in my grp 26. Ithor was the sector, which at 1st sounded stupid, but hen i realised zelda, osiris and nazgul was stupid too....

then even more stupid stuff started...the explaination of y the orientation was called Zion (since we were the last batch to have 1st 3 mths in JC due to the change in education system) and the whole thing was made juz like the Matrix show....
lameness filled the entire hall.

We played stupid games and some were in the wrong group or something....anyway luckily i wasn't and everything was kinda 1st i was ostricised as i knew no one there. Then i saw this marist and well we talked and knew each other soon enough as we had a common topic to talk on...secondary skool life.My eyes went about searching for more marists but it doesn't seem very successful.

Then comes the stupid ice memory failed me (as usual) when we were playing remeber-this-person's-name-as-we-go-down-the-circle....i was like...."errr wad's ur name" and all...they forced us to sit beside people of the opposite gender.....real stupid...somemore the chio bu of the group wasn't beside me....sheesh...ahhaha...anyway loads of stupid games like squirrel, tree and eathquake thingy game, some run around the circle holding hands and get back to save urself from the troubles of forfiet....stupid stupid lame games.....anyway at 1st the whole place was generally bored of everything even though the co-ordinators tried to make us more active.....sadly thier attempts are futile due to the loss of enthusiasm in every JC1 in the hall.....luckily things turned out better otherwise i feel real sorrie for the co-ordinators....

well after eating and learning cheers and every little stupid thing u can think of in an orientation, they had talks....THE MOST BORING PART of the entire, tiresome day.... Uni talks was already butt-cramping, then it goes on to sub. comb. ...well not so bad i realised wad sub was impt and wad was not necessary. i decided on Chem and math, since they were the most impt , then maybe bio since i was interested in life sciences....but well i'll see about it...


then the scare of my life...Chinese AO and A and some stupid stuff like China studies and poetry and novels....sheesh i really start to hate chinese...i dun mind the poetry since some are cool, but some novels already scare me 1/2 dead...the title was already scary enough...maybe the content is worse....but the stupidest part...CHINA STUDIES...u learn china culture, food they eat...stupid, stupid stuff of absolute stupidity....i was completely patrick....

anyway then dismissal took a damm bloody long time....i hear people complaining about delays of the dismissal time due to the co-ordinators dancing and acting and stupid stupid stuff(again, yes...again....)

Finally when we were released, i went back alone....anti-social or act cool, wadever, all i know my friends took different buses, so we "separated"....well then i dropped at the MRT to get my bus pass when i was together with 2 other people from NYJC too...we were told to go change our cards to PAE since 1st 3 mths we'll be in JC, but the officier said my card hasn't expired, so yay!!!! still childern fare, the same old 45 cents!!!! alrite!!! at 1st i was kinda blur, then the gal behind me oso asked me about it since i knew she's gonna ask about the same thing...looks not bad though...muahhaha....great now i sound so gentleman and stay low-profiled......well anyway she oso got a bus pass like i did but i went off 1st...almost wanna said bye, but then the "Jay-within" overtook me....that is to be my old anti-social self....hahah

well that's all folks....note that there is no pic currently on this post due to time constrain...gotta eat or mum readers might face difficulties like eye strain but fear not my readers, for i will add more pics soon, as in real soon(like today after dineer or maybe tomorrow) that's all.....

NEW!!! i have edited so if u want, ignore the front paragraph =)


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