Monday, March 07, 2005

不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什麼 我的心

well life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Day by day u get pieces of the jigsaw and piece them into ur memory. Some of these are deep down in the heart and needs some soulsearching to be done to get a piece juz to know wad u really want. The rest appears every now and then, whether u noticed them or not. Some appear at a later part of ur life, at differnt stages and different times. U need not finish the whole puzzle to feel a sense of satisfaction, for those who do so fail to seek wad they want. Rather, those who are satisfied with what they have have already completed their jigsaw puzzle even if everything isn't pieced.

hmmm i ahve no idea y i typed that out. Not KH, not anything, juz suddenly feel like sying that. Even after deciding on the choice of JC/ploy i still kinda doubt myself. Nvm let time pass and hopefully by then i can get some more pieces of jigsaw to one part of the picture...

anyway today the usual. Got up, sleep then woke up and found myself late again. Well at least today rained so they were having assembly in class. Then it was chem tutorial, then bio lecture about AIDS again, then i had lunch then headed for more lessons. Well for the 1st time in my entire history i pon a lesson - GP...coz i dunn wanna upset the teacher by not bringing my things again, i ended up staying in the library watching Shrek 2 and Scary Movie 3....laughed till my stomach aches...well 6-pack here i come =P....

anyway in the end found that they dun have newspaper review, but rather the review of past year GP....hiaz kinda regretted and felt guilty too. Then it was bio pract aka CINDY TAY. She taught us the mircospoe calibration and all. I understood the things until the last page wher i suddenly lost her...dunno y i cannot seem to understand...maybe i need to try reading it a few more times...then draw the onion epidermal cell AGAIN but the magnification of the cell is....weird...anyway wadever the case is, she made me "vice-vice bio rap" and made me collect the ws....nvm i feel honoured even though i was kinda sian doing that.....

Then after changing my ans i put into the pidgeon hole and went off with sihan. I was so sleepy i slept on the bus. Luckily xiao min called and my earphones keep making my ear woke me up b4 i missed my stop. Then after changing bus i went home to get fish food. I realised that the aquarium shop was gonna change place and opens only for 4 days. Hmm the nice shop uncle and auntie were saying if we need anything juz but then they'll give cheaper as they need to clear goods. Sometime they'll give it free....aahah dunno. Well i still got my $2 fish w/o discount for my knifefish...well dun expect to give me a discount as they deserve every cent of mine b4 i have to find another shop...

That shop was the one that made me stay inside for an hour plus juz looking at marine creatures and invoked the passion of marine biology in me....Or maybe rather made the inner passion grew bigger....hmm yup that would be more appropriate....i bought a lionfish for teacher's day from there too coz i always admired the Blue-ringed octopus, mantis shrimp, stone fish, lion fish, mandarin fish, jellyfishes and many more marine organisms. The uncle taught me many things abot the fish and about life too...okay maybe i sound kinda over-dramatic....i can juz say they're both v nice...

the last time i found the auntie's facial expression gives me a cold and unwelcoming feeling. But then after knowing them due to my frequent visits, i understood her face was well...hmm kinda like that. But when she smiles u can really see the glow on her face. Hahah reminds me of my grandma, juz that my grandma always glowed in brilliance. Well i'll see wad i need in my aquariums and go get some stuff b4 i can't...

anyway that's all i believe...kinda lengthy but to me it means alot.....=)


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