Friday, February 18, 2005

Decisions have to be made sooner or later

well pardon me readers, for not updating my blog. It's either i cannot be bothered, too lazy, or cannot be bothered. Not that they arn't any exciting events happening, but well...i have no idea..maybe i just simply dun have the mood in doing certain things at certain times.

Well today is super slack go skool meet with our CT and discuss about the escape theme park thingy. Ms Lim looks kinda angry and dissapointed in us for not responding to her...hiaz well at least afte that not so bad....ended the whole thing at around 8 plus going 9 i think. THen we went break, and it was break FOREVER aka u can juz run outta skool. We wanted to go play bbal, but noticed the DM catching ple already....anyway stayed to talk lobster, play fishing game, dai di and more prawns...looks like a "eventful" day at the seaside with all the sea organisms...

anyway then when we took attendance at 12 plus we were released. Went back to eat CB's cake and all, in the end rach and her friend was over-enthu and cb ran off too fast, leaving me, pl and kev the victims....i got my revenge but made rach's friend's shirt dirty instead, so felt guilty....weird eh doing something "wrong" adn feeling bad even knowing the consequences. Things like this happen to me so often now, which i think i real bad. Something's wrong with me in this new environment, i think i better change or something. Weird....QWWERTY

anyway then play bball and went off to TP to meet with xiao min and her the end i was the only non-cchs guy there...another "werid" experience. Anyway say the preserved disection of rat, and know some biomed and biotech stuff, and i think the animation at TP kinda cool.

anyway went back and kinda fell asleep in bus and still haven't arrive at my stop. Went back and well...kinda keep thinking of these things. Where to go after o levels....i've been thinking about it since after o levels....deciding...dunno i am filled wiht questions and doubts. Why, how, when....everything....

anyway enough of blogging kinda bored may sleep soon bb


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