Monday, January 31, 2005

sleepy day...

wah today woke up late due to me turning in late last nite at around 12. Well after past experiences i know taking 135 would not help me much in arriving to skool any earlier, so i headed for the usual further bus stop....luckily the bus came kinda early so i reached there juz in time when the national anthem started as i entered the gate.

Well anyway headed to the respective rows and blah blah boring lessons. I never had the time to do any, chem, phy, GP, math...5 out of 6 of my subs that i take are left incompleted or untouched...hiaz well anyway today started with chem and got this test...siao one abit odd...anyway sure die, then comes phy test....ahha that one kinda easy no need use notes one....After that we were asking mrs chan about the kinematics...ahha she thought we so hardworking when it's the fact that we were punished...ahhah anyway she's really a nice teacher....glad to have her as my phy tutor. The chem guy not bad too. Then GP since 1 member of our grp was absent we did not present our work today, but doom shall arrive tomorrow...haha the presentation was lame....Issac's one was hypnotising...ahhaha Tze Hau said he probably wrote the SARS introduction by himslef without research...anyway then math and comes my FAV LESSON BIO PRACT!!!!

muahah CINDY TAY the zai kia teacher....wah she's super picky and strict that i always looked forward to her lessons to overcome that gruelling 2hr practical. Hahaha i still can imitate her tone and the words she spoke last makes me laugh ...anyway today she not so bad only comment on me 2 things...ahah nice teacher too =P...

anyyway since i wanted to finish up my work asap i stayed back in skool to do the work with xiao min and the rest...ahha in the end only did 4 qn then help out in pegausu making....stupid i wasted my time there contibution spiritually....hiaz went home tired and hungry....basket next time i make sure i finish something....

well i sleepy liao...woah 10 and i'm already tired...muz rest for tomorrow's blog is getting more and more plain and boring eh.... pls dun hesitate to comment on the posts thank you!!!


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