Tuesday, January 18, 2005

i think i really kinda like dboat....but kinda tiring....

well today coz got duty so had to wake up early 0550...in the end even though i got prepared and reached the bus stop early, 24 didn't arrive...after the mass changeing of buses in the end, i still got on the bus 24 that i took ususlly...so moral of this lobster is dun bother waking up early....

anyway AVA is confim my 2nd CCA coz it's so slack..morning assembly wait at control room, press play for marikita, then stop, then can sit down when everyone's standing...muahha i love slacking!!!!anyway after that is pe...ran er...i not sure how many round..i think 12x400m coz i see the pple stop means i am 1 round slower ususally...yar so anyway i took height and weight...muhaha i 174!!! i grew 1.5cm!!! and i am 59 kg....okie not so bad....then went off for short break then change and go lessons....kinda sian but okay for some tutorials...then got lecture too....kevin and i finished binomial expansion liao when lecturer still at 3.1...ahhah

then wait at library with raymund for our CCA....woohooh 430 the warm up is 6x400m rounds....at 1st scare me 6 rounds on outer lane!??! that is more than 6!! somemore i blister!!! luckily i think we ran 5..so make up more or less 6...then warm down...stretch...then do some "fun" and sadistic set....called 4321....

It's SPRINT 400m, then rest, then 300m , then rest and so on for 2 sets....so 2km in total...at 1st i was calculating the dist...not bad...but then wad made the diff. is that we are SPRINTING....like wth...1st 400 i was chionging then slow down after 1/2 round...then rest less tahn a mintue chiong for next....no time to catch a proper breath...blisters killing my left foot too....anyway after both sets rest and prepare for next hell.

wah then at 1st they say do 30, but if can 40 push ups, 30 crutches, 30 dorsal raise...then i was thinking is that 3 sets, or that's one set....coz if it's one set we're gonna do 3 sets of that which is equivalent to 120 pumping, 90 crutches and dorsal raise...and indeed it's the more difficult one....well i was dying with the pumpings, but the rest was okay.....need to train my push-ups...Then at the last set, they wanted to do diamond...like woah..cool, my arms are dead and more stuff!!! alrite!!! i did 1, then i went thru system breakdown of arm...ahah so juz slack and stable myself in push-up position. by the way btw last 2 sets we were "trapped" in this position for a long time b4 continuing for the next push up, so yar it's really cool....

anyway i finally understood the meaning of dboat...it makes use of teamspirit...u really can feel the encouragement and all to do along with the rest....with that one can excel and penetrate thru the impossible barrier....well i still suck at pumping and running....have to train if i can....

then got home tired and all, ate and the ceremony begins!!! The official opening of the new aquarium my bro and i set up for the neon tetras!!! the "gunie pigs" aka sailfin mollies were taken out after given 1 day test of water condition, then i put it into hell(food for my clown knifefish) adn released the trtras...ahha they look like dwarfs in the large tank....anyway they look happy!!! anyway cya gtg sleep...tired.....


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