Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sense of achievement? Maybe....

well was kinda cool. Ate the Kuae Chap for breakfast then slowly packed all my dboat stuff and started playing KH...completed Aladin , thus having my "1st sense of achievement" of the day.

Then after sis finished her usual LONG bath, dad fetched us( never eat lunch since we had to leave early)...woah i was early for dboat which was good. Those who came late 5 mins have to cause the whole team to do 20 push-ups/min late. So that's 100. yay.

Well luckily never do immediately, so we went thru our usual warm up of running 1st, then stretching and push ups(3 sets of 30=90). The coach was saying only warm up no need push-ups...but well still do..then stradel jump adn practice of the rowing strokes....then BOATING TIME!!! whooo-hooh! I sat beside the TIC(teacher-in-charge who was scolding the ppls who were late) and he's not as scary as it seems lar...Then our co-ordination was crappy. I saw a number of knocks due to some blur kings not looking at the pacers in the front. I have to agree i was kinda clumsy too, but not as much as some "idiots". They really splashed water till my specs were blur. Not that i am pro and dun make mistakes, juz that when i noticed the guy who was in front of me yesterday made my sleeve all drenched, today made another unlucky fella drenched at his sleeves... They really sail for the sake of sailing and don't want to row the boat properly, causing our senoir-senior^??(grad from NYJC at 1999) some unsatisfaction...hiaz...i really want to row the boat so got kinda agitated by them, but i tried to change my mood so in the end tired to motivate them instead...not bad even though the problem still persists, i feel much better.

Well then got on shore and chiong PT....ahah now better 10 sets of 10 push-ups, crutches and dorsal raise. And this time i felt different, like i am filled with energy and no longer tired....i completed the whole 10 sets properly....woah muz be cause the IC was our own J1 so he understand the level of fitness we are. Yay it never felt so great motivating hose who are not as physically inclined and oso makes me feel more energized...power of team work, or another "sense of achievement"....

Anyway then comes the "punishment" 1st the TIC said do 100, then gave us chance do 2 sets....i was wah so kind?!?! then horror comes...he wants us to hold the positions (eg when do push-up when u go down u stay down, until he ordered us to raise) WTH!!! chiong leh....damm siao...then in order to not see us "cheating" we had to take off our clothes....wah some had 8 packs!!! mine was covered by a layer of adipose tissue...=(....anyway the only gal in our team when to canoe with her ex. skool or something....haha dun expect her to take off the shirt too (dun think dirty!!!)

wah damm siao i did it properly only for 6 push-ups...then die liao abit "cheat" but still tiring...even the senior doing with us has his arms trembling...but he motivated me so i got back for awhile but died soon....ahhaha. Then the last dorsal raise, we kept our position and he wanted us to sing the skool song. Hahah i not sure of the lyrics so only one guy sing damm loud and i juz anyhow hum and fun!!!! haha was smelly and sweaty and filled with sand after that....then went to bathe and headed for home...i was thiking maybe go eat at li min's working place for fun, but then gotta celebrate dad's bday so kinda rush...sorrie next time i promise!!! 3rd one ar!!!

anyway i bought Qing Tang and headed home to make myslef bread with Bak Kwa and breakfast leftovers....wah damm hungry after all the training....then went with my bro to buy more Neon tetras to liven up the aquarium. I noticed that the aquarium never looked so beautiful...eitehr maybe i never decorated any of my tanks, or it's juz my sense of achievement of all the effort put felt great...

Then brought my dog out for her walk then bathed and went to eat Seafood at 小红楼 at east coast...haha coz of the tsunami incident so not many customers...well hasd some family talk and all....hmmm it seems things have changed abit after my grandma went to a better place....hiaz my ah gong became abit pessimistic(like me...dunno y the way he say sounds....dunno...ahah) well i think no matter wad, juz let things be the way they are and respect other pple's opinions....blah blah talking crap that no one wants to see....anyway oso talked about driving test of my sis's bf and that we are musically inclined...woah runs in the family =)....

anyway got home and now time to sleep and prepare for tomorrow....bye peeps...i'll add more colours and pics when i can...


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