Monday, February 07, 2005

NEW YEAR arrives; some things change, some things remain the same

Well after a work-out with my dad to the Shop n Save nearby to get Abalone, new year titbits and all, i'm back. I wanted to blog yesterday about the "interesting" events and all that's worth blogging, but well sis was using the com, so i had to compromise and hence turned in early. When i wanted to blog about yesterday's incident and make it sound like that day's event, i realised it's gonna be kinda pointless. Events that happen yesterday cannot be expressed today, coz it will never be the same. so...hahah i sound serious at the 1st paragraph, but dun worry my loyal Readers, for i will make ur time worthwhile!!! Here comes the entertainment. =D

okie today everyone had a holiday mood...anticipating to pon teng lessons and all. The CT bought 2-4-1 pizza....everyone except Issac paid $3 (more or less) for the pizza, when i noticed most of them ate only 1-2 pieces of the pizza...woah made of gold eh...In the 1st place i wasn't hungry so i didn't give Qing wen my portion, but they lack $4...with 4 bucks i can buy 2 bowls of ji si mian plus extra cash to SAVE, or 4 ice cream, or even 40 sweets enough to kill a pig.

so anyway after 10 pull-ups(yeah finally broke my record yesterday and continured today) Tze Hau aked me to take a piece of the pizze despite me being a free-loader. I rejected several times, but hiaz since Tze hau insisted i had no choice. In the end i returned Qing wen 2 deers but she said she dunno wad to do with the money so i keep. ahhaha.

anyway then it was boring GP which i slept and then the lesson of the day i looked forward to - MRS CINDY TAY BIO PRACTICAL!!! whoo-hooh time to get my brain working for all the phrases she said the past few lessons and learn more cool things she say.

Today did kinda alot of drawing and all...ahha when she was returning the previous pract. i was graded GOOD! mauahah i am amused...well i shall work harder next time!!! i shall perfect the drawing technique itill she has nothing to say about my work!!!! She oso said my chloropplasts were fine, which others came to me to ask how i drew the bloody chloroplasts....hahaha anyway my phone rang when i was still drawing. Then after lesson i was told my mum want me go Novena sq to buy jeans at 1730, but i was tired and wanted to play KH, so i told my mum and went home. Hahah xiao min's bag ain't so bad after all...she was saying the color is....odd.

Anyway got home, play KH and all, then when i was gonna clean the fish tank my maid didn't completely prepare the things, so what can i say? Waste my effort and time...well continue playing and all, then eat blah blah black wolf. Arm still aches after the 4 sets of 30 push-ups (slow-mo version, spider and diamond version) during dboat yesterday...ahhha. gotta pack my stuff and go off to M'sia so bye!!! Hahha one of the decisions y i had to blog today.hmmm i oso noticed 51 is kinda fast from Hougang interchange to the market outside my estate...hahha =)


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