Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Pigs are flying, Flies are pigging.

okay i know my title makes absolutely no sense; it's spastic and doesn't even relate to the things happening today. But hey, why bother thinking of a suitable title when what i am writing is kinda senseless too? ahhah well actually i'm more of "lazy-to-think-of-a-title"

anyway, today was sleepy....I stayed up till 1230 plus this morning juz to finish up the OGLs V-day gift. I should have done it earlier rather than to play all day long. I still cannot get a bloody green map card, which made my eyes hurt after long hours of playing. I practically accomplished nothing for the day( usually even if i dun spend my time wisely i still have a sense of achievement of completing a stage in games or something)

well as usual, i was sleep-standing in the bus when Ya Ting aboarded. I was kinda blur then oh....okay, my CT friend. Then i continued sleep-stnading, while she er..i think looking at sceneries? ahhah...anyway i woke up to find myslef somewhere near my sec skool, so i kinda sian started to lobster with her, then sleep, then lobster, then finally, skool. She wasn't sure if we reached the bus stop since she usually took 135, so i started being sarcastic(as usual). Today was my AVA duty too, so my day started off sleepy...

The day's event can be summarised into:
- keep microphone

-Frisbee for pe(basket i sweat...i was trying to keep myself dry)

-Break where i didn;t feel v well after dinking a mixture of lemon barley and milo, so i didn;t eat much. Coz i brought lemon barley drink from my home but w/o ice taste too concentrated, so after drinking milo i added the drink inside...cool. Chicken rice made things worse by tasting like....milo? the "shark's fin" soup was kinda crappy and everything was lobsterish. Maybe it's juz my taste buds after the toxic drink.

-GP ( i slept for a few seconds when the teacher caught me and i had to stand. In the end she apologised instead for making me stand so long..i felt really guilty and wanted to apologise to her for my rudeness, but...hiaz nvm)

-Lectures which was stupid teachings of sec 4 stuff. Ended earlier since J2 had something on at LT4. In the end me, PL, SH and Tze Hau played tic tac toe during the math lecture since no other teacher was around inspecting. Hahah we were all too selfish and busy plotting our own scheme that we forgot PL's scheme. In the end he won twice, then we were all saying we made wrong move. Hhaha..then final round it;s either i win, or SiHan win coz 2 ple need to block my connect 5, but if everyone blocks me it leaves me with blocking only 1 of SH's, so it;s either he win or i win. ahhaha......the part of skool i like most today.

-Gave the cards to respective OGLs during common lunch.

- Since i wasn;t really hungry, me, pl and SH went to classroom with TH. After "summarising" his bio HW(we never do), i connected my discman to the speaker of the classroom and played Jay music!!! alrite!!!! did abit of math, then slept on the tables when the 1st bell rang. For preventive measures, we listened to another 10 mins b4 keeping my discman. We were all lobstering until other pple came and bio lesson starts.

-Bio tutorial where i got caught for "long" hair....i already wanted to trim mine, but new year cannot cut sian....Si Han gave excuse say New year cannot cut ahhha....anyway then they wanted to pon teng math...

-SH, jocelyn, sarah and TH pon teng while the rest headed to math. Ahah had math test..free frag no kick i didn;t do any revising yet correct.

Finally, end of lesson. PL went off alone, while my stomach is growling. Basket should have forced myslef to have heavy breakfast-lunch rather than chicken rice....now i;m hungry i have to eat again. Well ate spaghette which kinda okay, but it's $1.60. Can buy 16 sweets, sell at 20 cents to earn profit, buy more sweets and earn more profits, open a shop and sell EVEN more sweets, earn EVEN more profit and open branches.....=D

then went to take bus when i was staring into space and 135 juz went off!!! in front of me! like OMG.....theni said nvm it's still early, so i waited. In the end 24 came and it even managed to catch up with 135...ahha well went home and ate chicken rice since my dad bought for my maid but she already eaten. AHhah in the end ate 5 times in total!!! Breakfast i ate BAK KUT TEA NOODLE, after PE ate chicken rice, after skool ate Spaghette, reach home CHICKEN RICE again, then dinner gonna have CURRY CHICKEN!!! muahah anyway that's all folks...me sleepy...maybe play KH awhile...


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