Thursday, February 10, 2005

New Year brings back Old Memories

WARNING! EXTEMELY EXPLICIT CONTENT, so detailed till u may spend too much time reading...READ AT UR OWN RISK

Alrite, i am back from Sungei Renggit. Well i noticed most of it is the same, slight changes here and there. Well i went off to JB with my cousins in his lorry and i sat at the back, where it's 100% ventilated, like a convertable!! cool eh....1st time riding like that, other than the time i was at the back of this van where u sit at the back which is 0% ventilated, but cooling due to Air-con. Really enjoy these special experiences after years of being a passenger in the Mercedes (i'm not rich).

anyway, when i reached there the harbour was different...there was 2, whereby we took the newly renovated one. It looked like Changi Airport; security scanning door and a few policemen patrolling. The place was already kinda flooded as many others wanted to go back to their villages. Well anyway lucklily we managed to grab the last 3 seats for one boat, and after waiting and all we set off towards my "home"!!!! well the boats still remain the same; old and noisy, yet something in the past existing in the present. That's y i enjoy every minute of my trip to JB.

well after 40+ mins of travelling and sleeping on the boat, we arrived at the jetty and then proceeded to take the same old cab...ahah i dun expect it to change coz i like the way it is. However i prefer the window panels to be opened rather than air-con, coz the breeze is real strong(u can't open ur eyes fully coz the wind is so strong) and there's FRESH air( yes, fresh = less than 10% exhaust gas, only overgrowth of trees and shrubs).

well we stopped at the usual Shell Station and yay, "home" sweet "home". When i got there, ate the usual famous Laksa, then proceeded to do housechores, like washing the dishes, carrying the tables and cleaning the chairs for the dinner, packing the ice blocks adn getting the shattered pieces into the container for tonite's drinks. Anyway after all that i was bathing in my sweat(as usual) then i bathed and got ready for dinnerSTEAMBOAT!!!. By then my family and xiao shu's already arrived and we continued slacking/working. Then when it was dinner time everyone came and yay, eating time. Our steamboat was super slow fire...we had to cover it and wait for it to boil then get all the food, then add new ones, then colse and wait AGAIN. ahha abit silly, but still fun. Had 3 sets of table, so that the place ain't too squeezy. Hahah as usual i was one of the sole survivors in mt table since i have the largest appitite among the rest of my aunts and cousins on my table. Then second uncle and aunt came to eat and blah blah alot of crap. We also lighted a few FIRECRACKERS. MUAHAHA....s'pore govt is too strict....

anyway since it's kinda noisy and smokey, adults didn't really approve "mass-firecrakering" so we stopped and had nothing to do. played cards and slack and sleep.

Well i woke up the next day at 11 plus...hence i ate breakfast-lunch at the same time eating the same old laksa...nice even after excessive consumtion daily. Well after all the blah blah black wolves, i noticed we are having STEAMBOAT(AGAIN) due to too many well i shift the tables(again) and all then bathed and ate steamboat together(again). Ahhaa not that it's bad, but my uncle keep stuffing me with mroe food (prawns, fishballs...) since i'm the sole survivor...basket i am gonna have high cholestrol level. I'm gonna die soon!!!

then comes the ULITMATE FUN!!!! We were "allowed" to put the firecrakers since my 3rd aunt bought those National Day Fireworks (7 rockets for M$45) and gu-zhang oso bought loads....ahha cool!!!

Me and my cousin was mass-lighting all the firecrackers. Usually we light explosive one by one, but now i try all 5 together then light=5 times the powder!!!! but after that we still have 96 of these....ahha loads. Then we inserted the rocket on the plougher and i was given the "honour" to light the firework. woah everyone was like "wah!!! so nice(in chi). WAH!!! ..."

well then put another and another colourful fireworks, then comes the 7x7 launcher...when i lighted it the whole thing lasted for damm long...each firework flew up the sky for 2-3 sec....everyone went wah, woah....blah blah. Then when it was about to end POLICE came. Wah the rockets were still launching the lsat few then it stopped. He confiscated those expensive fireworks while my cuz hid the whole box and some others aside (the policeman walked towards the other direction so he didn't notice the other box). He was talking in malay and kinda warning my uncles and dad. Meanwhile other families were having fun lighting fireworks. After lobstering he went off with the stuff and we were all kinda "laughing" coz 3rd aunt already told xiao gu(small aunt) to keep the firecrakers but she was too bz looking at all the animations...ahha well no one fault's impt to have fun smile. The world is never fair and i learned that long time ago. After he went off we all "guai guai" then watch TV and all, while others still continue to light more magnificent fireworks...

anyway ain't so bad we managed to find the mahjong case and played and lose here and there, so end up paying. In the end slept at 1 plus and had to wake up early in the morning to go back s'pore. After all the blah blah black wolves, went off and got ourselves trapped in a jam at the causeway. After 1.5 hrs of jam and buttering, went to bai nian at da gu's place and followed by er gu....wah whole day outside never have a good rest. Worse is i had STEAMBOAT AGAIN at da gu's house as

well that's more or less..kinda loss contact witht he things happening today when i'm doing the things the day after that....i took 2 days to complete this crazy post....readers muzt take care of ur eyes.


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