Tuesday, February 22, 2005

State of Predicament and Dilemma....

Hmmm well today started as lobsterish as yesterday - i was late by taking the bus that reaches NYJC late. Well blame it on my lazy self, which seems to be in me( and many i believe) for a long long time. Anyway enough of prawns, i was practically in my "sleeping" state the whole time since i worked all nite till 1 plus juz for the bloody Bio project. I could just lie on the floor and sleep till it's Chirstmas.

Started PE with a "friendly" match with 05A7C in frisbee. Actually it was kinda alrite when we felt that this retainee like not happy with us. He keep "cursing" us and say some lobster stuff that only a loser will say. We are the losing team and we arn't complaining, yet they won 2-0 and they are talking rubbish. Well i dun really bother about trash-talkers, coz i'm used to them when i play bball. People keep saying u'll miss the basket, but instead of feeling demoralised i push myself to prove them wrong and get the last laugh. Anyway our CT was kinda angry with them, but hey it;s juz a game and our Star player haven't showed up yet.

well then went to do Gp project with yvette and TH and print some stuff, while i went to GP. In the end got scolded coz some didn't bring the newspaper. Well at 1st i wanted to pon like the rest did, but since i already dissaponted the teacher once i better make-up for my mistakes. In the end it turned out worse. Maybe i shouldn't even go to lesson instead to cause more problems. Well i also learnt that GP is gonna kill me. Political issues which i have no clue about, world events and all the things i have no idea, no interest in....

anyway after GP was lecture of Phy and Math. Hahah we played tic tac toe in math again coz it's boring and i won!!! muahah my 3ple combo render my opponents defence futile!!!! ahhaha....anyway my stomach was calling for food the whole time...hungry coz ate only 2 pieces of kuay thay cause me to have some stomach ache in the morining. Well finally it was common lunch so we ate Ji Si mian as usual, coz it's cheap and nice and most importantly, fulling. Whne i approached Ms Lim to ask whether she has marked my attendance since i was late.

"That one can change later. Chuanchen can u do me a favour?"
"help me go upstairs take the early leave form from Jun Hao. Thank you. He's outside the staff room."

i ran there and found Jun hao staring blankly. "where's the form?"

"what form?"

Well anyway i took the lift with him and got the early lift form, then ran back to Ms lim and let her sign and ta-dah end of mission. When i got back my noodles was kinda....dry. Well nevermind it's still tastes great. Finally after having our stomachs filled, we went to chan's lesson. AHhaha we made inpromtu speech and lobstered alot even though the information in the sheet was inadequet to make up 8 mins of presentation. As for the QA we had the greatest response. There's this contradiction of the vessles dilating/contracting prawny stuff. In the end we kinda skipped the question, leaving people ( like me) filled with doubts. I was folding paper crane while others presented their project, so in the end sau siong commented on how to get audience engagement. Hiaz another problem of mine - rude.

Then math the same problem. He was going thru questions which i never did and in the end i fell asleep. Problematic man....sian anyway end of lesson i change and prepared for dboat.

Today's dboat was games!!! We did the sual warm up of 2.4km run, then stretch then they briefed us on the games. We played Captain's Ball using Papaya as the ball instead, and we're suppose to play until the whole papaya becomes chunks and gets push-up penalties for dropping the papaya, scoring, intercepting....

ahha in the end my group was clean as the papaya was still quite intact during the whole game. The rest got smeared in papaya juice and all ..ahah what a fun time. In the end they cancelled the penalties and we did Chin-up competiton.
Year 1 VS year 2

ahha we did a total to 192 pull-ups, all the guys added up. I did 13 but 4 didn't count so i got 9 instead. The the seniors had to do 2x ours. In the end they exceeded our 2x record...all the J2 pushed themselves to their limits and everyone enjoyed. After debriefing then we went home. By then about 7 plus gonna 8....

got home sleepy and hungry, and my bro was already talking about the JC/poly wiht my mum. Well after reading today's newspaper i also noticed more students take life sciences in poly than engineering. This means the market gonna be competitive and i doubt there'll be any place for me after i graduate from degree. ( u cannot get anywhere far with diploma)

Well i prayed to my usual Da Bo gong, hoping things will go on smoothly and i hope i can come into a conclusion...that explains my title....well cya folks i feel sleepy from all the thinking.


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