Thursday, December 30, 2004

Ah....the new year coming....

wow cool....i juz watched the final episode of's about the Spider-wars where all spidermans from different dimension come together to face Spider-carnage....i always loved that episode and still loves Spiderman....this version of Spiderman isn't too old(as in no "pow" and "crash" signs everywhere) and not too new...the new ones are full of graphics...not nice.....this version is the one that was broadcasted on channel 5 at around 5-6pm when i was in pri skool ....

well yesterday i didn;t use much of the com as i was too bored to use it...besides, the TV was a better alternative....watched a show about this taiwan guy who invented the Automated toilet when he was cool that is...then he gave a comment to all inventors....

"Don't invent for the sake of inventing"'s true....ideas come from daily problems u face and how to tackle them at a different perspective, that's y u invent to change things for the better....

then it was Channel U's news @ 10....well all about the tsunami that hit asia....sad case....many died while they were having a holiday....well hope they save more people....

This one would be too old...

YUP this is the correct one where it had 5 seasons and i believe was the longest animated series compared to the rest...

this one is the newest....crappy coz of all the computor graphic....

well the real history of Spiderman animation is in this site--->

and i agree with the person coz the Spiderman i watched had the best storyline and all....rock on Spidey!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Crappy crap filled with crap...

i woke up today with a stinging toungue....not that it got stings and venom, but coz i drank Hot vanilla yesterday and burnt my anyway my toungue was like having parts of them buldging sea when i brush teeth and i gurgle my mouth, it was like the tentacles of the sea anemone swaying with the currents of the violent

anyway the whole day i was slacking...playing IC or GB...rarely Pokemon though...but now i think i'm going back to pokemon, since i kinda had enough of the rest of schedule for everyday goes like this...
10.30-11.00 Wake up, brush teeth and all...
11.00-?? Eat breakfast, check out if there's anything nice
11.30-12.00 Watch Spiderman!!!!!
12.00-?? more shows.....?
around 1 eat lunch...maybe bathe....
2.00-?? play...and play...and watch?
7.00-7.30 Fairily Godparents
7.30-8.00 SpongeBOB!!!but most prob will be eating
8.30-?? Use the com...then sleeping time

well well...VERY BUSY EH? hahah....real boring life....with naps slot in between........anyway i'll be Pokemon-ing then....cya.....

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Awake!!! the Spirit within!

Okay, i realised that my past few posts were too much on documentaries....not that people wouldn't read my blog any longer coz it's stuffed with boring facts(wad most might think, but it's always cool to me), but rather this won't be a diary anymore, rather a documentary page....haha so i'll cut on explicit details on these shows and write more on my life! To make my blog more Reader-friendly, pics and diffferent font colours and size are used so that u readers won't get too tired...ahhah even i have problems reading long posts....

Well yesterday i was browsing thru channels of SCV as usual...i already mastered the positions of each button that i can juz press to view each channel...muahah...then suddenly i came to this 1!!! it was actually the preview channel for Animax, the Channel broadcasting 24 hrs of Anime!!!

then while i was killing time i saw Digimon Adventure, the 1st one...undoubtably, it's still the best compared to the rest. When i heard the Theme song for the 1st time after so long, nearly few years, this emotion came into me....i felt recharged's like bringing me back many memories...i watched that show when i was...pri6? or something like that....Digimon and Pokemon accompanied my thru these years and they bring back countless memories...when the Digimon evolved the songs, the characters...everything made me feel like i've return to the past....not much of those flash-back memories, but i had those feeling inside me....ahhhh those days.......

So i went to search for the Digimon theme songs.....sadly i have yet to find all, but at least some...hahah some songs make me remember wad i was doing at that my com has been reformatted and all the data is lost, so are my memories. Anyway, i spent Christmas eve playing Gunbound for few minutes cause i was too dizzy, then played Impossible creatures whereby i restart the whole mission coz i was too fed-up with it...well then i stopped due to 2 reasons :
-Mum was angry that i played too long plus i am a sick person, so i need more rest, even though my neighbours and their cousins were having a roudy party and it was impossible to sleep under such circumstances.
-My eyes were buldging like goldfish's due to excessive exposure to high light intensity...ahhah....

so she had to go redeem the UOB points and all, when the phone rang. I ran down to get the chordless, when i realised the alarm was already set. "damm, wad the hell?!?! oh wadever...." i picked up the phone, the alarm went off, i got scolded for my stupidity, they switched off the alarm, got more scolding, mum stormed off to bed, maid nagged me to go to sleep. wad a day to spend wonderful christmas eve!

anyway today was better, and i hope it will be. I was going thru the same ritual of teeth-brushing, medicine-swallowing, filling water into my mug at least twice and drinking it.....then i used the com...then when bro came back, the fun begins!!! my bro asked me to go K Box with hui Fen jie even though i was still...dizzy coughing and "runny nosing". i took the fastest bath ever and went off...

There i sang most of jay's song, and most of them was "zao xia", outta tune....coz i had both my nostrils blocked, my plhegm was makeing me sound odd....ahha but i did alrite at the front part of the songs...then sucky....hahah well my bro and his gf sang relatively well...9.3/10!!!! my bro taught me loads of stuff, or i should say SECRETS about singing....well it helped but due to my conditon...anyway i'll try next time..then maybe i'll get Ou Yang, JD and ZHan all my great pals....then we go SING OUR HEARTS OUT!!!....whoohooh....well i guess gonna spend christmas normally....Eating out! YAY! Look forward to the new year....more challenges, then i can oso go back to Johor and celebrate New Year with all my cousins....and most importantly ANG POW!!! even though it won't be the same without Ah-ma and jim po....ahha i miss them...

Only when something is lost does one knows how to cherish it, but it will never return again...

Thursday, December 23, 2004 condition worsen...

After paying my visit to the Doc last nite, i got my med...$23 bucks.....sheesh...but there's quite alot of med....anti-biotics, for phlegm, fever, cough and runny nose a drug addict eating all sorts of sis was worried coz she said my forehead is real hot and i'm having high fever last nite, but all i was trying to do was sweat to break the fever....ahhah it worked sometimes, but i got fever again soon enough. i woke up today feeling coughing worsen due to an increase in phlegm in my throat, mucus in the nostrils and fever(again....)

My maid called me up at 6 so that i can eat my i woke up, all dizzy and 1/2 awake...ate anti-biotics, then sponge cake (2 pieces) then all the rest of the med which are After food....then i went back to sleep.....

then i woke up at 11, when my maid called me to eat my med again and porridge was i went through the same routine (plus i watched my favourite episode of Spiderman on kids central at around 11 30) and got back to bed...but i din't really sleep coz i was thinking of bathing, so by 12 plus i bathed and well...thinking of sleeping, but with my wet hair that seems to take forever to dry, i went back to watching TV....Discovery Channel rocks my world.....

I was watching this documentary on the underwater caves in Cuba....they had 2 different fishes of the similar species living in the same cave....they were blind fish that due to the lack to light, thier vision gradually became useless after years of evolution....however one was in the freshwater, the other was in saltwater...since saltwater is denser than freshwater, they live in different environment and adapts differently....and the boundary that divides saltwater from freshwater looks like a layer of's so cool....

then as i waited for the next programme to was even cooler...about bugs in the world....but more of those that invade our property...or rather we have invaded their territories...they have been around for millions of years...then comes the 1st introduction of common house insects that "spit" digestive enzymes on the food and suck them up and thier legs carry loads of bacteria that it can cause serious illness. They also went in depth into the compound eyes of the fly...many thought flies see multi-visions like loads of TV broadcasting the same show on a large screen...however the brain converts these into a blurred vision. Even so, the fly sees things faster than they should, around 5-6 times faster, so they predict movement and thus escapes usually. It's so amazing, like the fly is living in a different time and space in the same dimension as's ability to predict is juz astounding....

next is about the cockroach...irritating pests that never die even countless research have been done to eliminate them, and this is due immunity...they soon build up immunity against these pesticides the health organisations decided they can only maintain cleaniness up to a certain level. Cockroaches are one of the most adapted creatures int he world...they eat anything that is organic, even fingernails of childern!!!( serious i'm not lying) When they are disturbed, they run off to hide in dark holes, which cause the case of cockroaches inside the ear holes of kids....this is really unsual as i've heard it for the 1st time....they are also every unique and well adapted creatues...1stly they have 2 brains, one at the head(DUH) the other at the even when u cut off it's head, a cockroach still can live for up to 7 days without eating(unable to eat coz no head, no mouth)...they have very high survival wonder they have been roaming Earth for millions of their antennae is filled with hairs that can pick up slight changes in temperature, pressure and nearly it can decide whether to run and at which direction. Cool, eh? Never know these creatures are so cool.

Then comes the spiders and their necrotoxin that decomposes flesh...this still remains a mystery to many scientists about how these things work...also in Aust. there's alot of cases of spider bite, especially the Black Widow which lives in houses as it's their permanent residence...luckily an antidote has already been discovered.

the WHITE-TAIL Spider that has been implicated in some cases of Necrotising Arachnidism

More about fleas causing the Black Death, bed bugs and if u think ur body is bug free, think again. On your forehead lives microscopic bugs that feed on ur skin cells by puncturing it and well, drinking the fluid inside....there is little known about these bugs and neither do they cause any sickness....Mosquitoes has the ability to detect CO2 emitted by respiration 100 feet away adn when night comes, the female mosquito changes to heat sensor and detect the area above the skin that has the highest concentration of blood...then injects it's proboscis into ur skin, release thier saliva that promotes blood to flow into them and prevent blood clot....then u wake up the next day scracthing at the itch....

that's all for today i guess....sleeping, eating, sleeping, watching a pig....somemore my maid made me eat so much( Sponge cake at 6, porrige at 12, more porridge at 2....mad....)

NOTE: due to memory loss, that's all i can remember for the shows that i watched...=)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

It's all in your mindset....

well well, got scolded by everyone coz i'm ill having serious cough, runny nose and fever....well i have to admit i caused this all...Drinking icy-cold 7-up immediately after bball was one of the "reasons" that caused my current state of as the day passed the situation got worse, then better, then now i'm only slighty maid said i had a steaming hot maybe i can cook eggs on it....

I took my bath before going to bed again after eating sure was COLD...even i turned the tap to the warmest....sheesh maybe i'm juz so feverish everything was too cold....i was shivering as i exit the bathroom...then after waiting for my hair to dry, i went to dreamland....
then woke up, had to eat more med, but turns out i have to pay a visit to the doc after all....i'll do it after my dinner i guess....
i was sleeping the whole day...then eating med, then training my Pokemon, then sleep...wad a day! i watch Discovery or one of those documentaries about Taboo of how pple get using Leech, Bee-stings, MAGGOTS(yes the child of vile creature known as the FLY)...yes they are disgusting yet proved to be effective, saying leeches remove all the "dirty" blood from wounds, and maggots eating only decaying flesh....i was feeling qweasy after all that....but something came into my mind that was said in the Documentary.....

These things may disgust most people, but when one is ill and there is a remedy that doesn't require undergoing painful surgical processes and stuff, one will oversome the fear of these things....something that gives pleasure to the ill is considered a remedy....(er it was something like that...i'm suffering serious memory loss....)

I remember something about the thing "it's all in the mindset"....i watched this documentary(hey i'm not a boring guy....) about saying this old person running few KMs a crazy...and he's saying it's all in the mindset...

"i juz keep telling myself that i'm not tired and i'm gonna finish the run..."

it oso reminds me of "psycho-ing" urself that u are okay and fine if u are ill, and wah-lah, magic remedy using ur mentality....if u want to be something, all u need to juz set ur mind that u are gonna achieve that goal no matter wad it well i'm trying that too...not very efficient though coz i cannot think properly...hahah....

i was thinking about ZHan's blog....people without dreams and low dreams and all....and i appear to fall under that category of people with dreams that are un-achievable....well that's y they are called dreams i guess....i dream of being a Marine Biologist....for i ever-lasting curiousity over fishes and sea creatures....but then after all...dream....but i finally thought of my goal.....maybe to do R & D in s'pore Ornamental fish industry. After all, s'pore proved to be kinda famous for their unique "glowy" fish and all....then maybe i'll set up my own fish shop to sell and research that not only it is achievable, but also i can "remain in contact" with fishes....i hope some pre-U can offer some course like that, so that i can finally pursue my GOAL, no longer dream....

But for now, my short term goal....set up an aquarium for...maybe acherfish or something cool.....ahhaha....i'll try.....i'll give it my best shot....that's all folks....


well i oso caught a juvinile Chameleon from my toilet...ahha i released it to the garden outside....cute little fella....

maybe i'll need to take things more seriously

ahha 0011 hrs and i'm awake...... one of the wonders i gaze upon on myslef...anyway after talking to ZHan, i feel that i should write my blog as proper and detailed as possible. It doesn't matter whether anyone comes to read it, nor whether my HTML skills would improve...i found the purpose of this fill in the blanks of my life and let me remember some of the most important events and friends....also not to forget, kill time....=) ahhah....

One can remember all of the Things some of the Time,
One can remember some of the Things all of the Time,
But one can never remember every single detail of their Memory.

And that's y daries are made for a purpose. Everything has a purpose and consequence....well anyway enough of my "philosophy" stuff....about wait yesterday...forgot about 12 o'clock thingy.....the weather was welcoming me with it's warm rain, not too sunny( except for the afternoon), juz fine....since it was Dong Zhi, mum "ordered" me to burn the incense stick and paper and put some Tang Yuan as an the end, my bro did it all....hahah well i guess that's one less objective for me for that day....then ate onion rings too....odd though...5 rings and 4 tang yuan seems ALOT to ZHan...ahahha....milk-addict....

anyway then i went to meet up Edwin, some scout guy whom i know since sec 3....nice person and used to play bball....he was working and we waited for Xue Liang to come, but in the end got "pang say" luckily we already boarded the MRT and go to Toa Pa Yo ( funny the way i spell'em...i think it's wrong....) went to buy comics with Edwin at Comic connection..woah he sure is rich after working at NTUC and saving up....he bought loads of comic...ended up paying 40+ about the number of deers!(lameness fill my blog....ahah) anyway then we meet up with Kai Yuan, oso a friend of Edwin aka my friend too..lobster talk...and they went to play pool...i was listening to Jay Music all the way with only one earpiece in my left ear..ahha the other was....sadly "spoilt"...some connection problem...$40 and it was only bought last year....hiaz....back to the story...i watched them play pool and sat at the corner reading POKEMON comic vol. 16...i was outdated...didn't buy that comic coz it was $ about bucks and deers....sheesh expensive....Edwin was hitting the WHITE ball into the "goals" ahhaha....

"i'm not used to this stick...too rough and thick" he said in chinese(pls dun think's the pool stick...i'm afraid pple might....hmm....)

i was smiling my way looking at him and his pal play....amatures, but i'm worse i can't really comment on them...Kai Yuan's white ball flew towards me like a jumping some matrix thing slow-mo and i had to dodge...there was no time to think *whish* *crash*...ahah i was amplifying the whole juz landed below the chair...ahhaha....
anyway Kai Yuan won and we went off....he took bus home while me and Edwin took MRT....he bought a "faulty" comic book due to loads of printing problems, or rather cutting probs....loads of pages uncut...i used my Swiss army KNIFE and when i swung it open in the MRT, everyone was looking at me...ahha....i'm INNOCENT!!!'s only for self defence!!! then when we reached City Hall, the train was too crammed....Edwin managed to squeeze in, but was sandwiched....i din't want to squeeze...too uncomfortable...moreover i wasn't in a hurry to get we bade farewell and i waitied for the next train while listening to Jay...When u see me listening to music, 99% of it will be Jay...ahha....i'm a Jay Music fan....great influence-er too....hahah if SOMEONE read this though......then SOMEONE will know....anyway called andrew to play when i reached home i changed and went off in a flash...that match was crappy...maybe i'm still not used to the shoes, maybe i'm too lousy, or maybe the court was different so.....ahha i played like some loser....i did defence though..."rejected" one ball and prevent some shots...but my shots were all OFF...sheesh....where are the T-Mac Powers!??!

ahhah got a FEW shots...few as in 2-3...then i had to prove myself the end of the match i practiced 3 accuracy dropped...darn...need more practice....well i reached home sweaty and all, then rest and drank soft drink(which made my coughing worse....) and bathed then ate dinner at i'm having runny nose, or wad...well i'm better off than my poor pal Jing Da...sad fella....well things are getting better for him i guess, and i hope he gets well soon for me....i'm still in doubt....only Jay Music and ever understand....cya peeps....anyway this is MY LONGEST POST!!! WHOOHOOH WORLD RECORD SET MY MR QIU CHUANCHEN, OF HAVING ACQUIRED POSTING A BLOG SO LONG....HAHAHHA...rubbish

Friday, December 17, 2004

sophisticated friends of simplicity

well today went to visit ZhiHan's blog...din't know he was actually such a complex person yet he showed signs of a simple humble guy he is actually....glad to know him as a great pal....well played bball at nite with jd and some pple with my new shoes first they felt weird of my legs, probably i am still not used to it yet...but after a few matches and i got the hang of things, everything turned out juz fine, or even better....yet i doubted it when i bought it....unsure whether if it was really suitable, doubted whether if it was even real....well now i know.....anyway i updated myself with the common sites i visit everyday - one piece, naruto and Pokemon.....ahhaha found out i have alot of catching up to do.....well done that and now listening to Jay's Ni Bi cong qian kuai le .....need jay's 1st album then i "complete"!!!!! anyway that's that.....

Friday, December 10, 2004


well back from polluted suzhou and other polluted china was okay there though....boring sometimes....lack of something......well sometimes i think y bother updating this one reads it....i am only satisfied with the gif and jpeg files i uploaded and the things i "played" with HTML......maybe i juz want the attention others get for their blog? or maybe i juz wanna type out wad i feel.......not unsure of myself.....dunno y feeling one can understand.....only jay's music and express it i guess.....hahaha.....thinking of so many useless things but some are me studies are the 1st priority i guesss.....the rest are...useless? not sure.....doubts fill within me......mei guan xi zai ju xu nu li......=)