Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Live each day as if it was you Last....

1st and foremost, i'd like to apologise to readers/visitors for not updating my long for a long long time....well the usual reasons sian of being bored..including blogging...

anyway i'll super-summarise today.

[=Tues=] Slept at 130 yesterday after waiting for my mum to enter dreamland and turned on the com again to play....bored of the end woke up at 8 to check results, but more of preparing to go CT outing...met Sihan and kinda almost took the wrong bus direction there. luckily we saw joanna whihc is the only one who knows the way aka organiser. She went to get mac breakfast and get me and si han free cones!!! ahah alrite, anyway we walked there and found the court filled. WE played outside uner windy conditions and a low it;s silly, but then after that booked the court and played. Later more ple came and some play some slack dunno alot of lobster dun wanna elaborate. WEnt off with Zhen siong, joanna, shi qi, sharlyn then i pang say tehm coz i no $$ to eat out. Went back 4 plus bought lunch....blah blah crap day.

[=today=] APOS...(a piece of shit).....i was suppose to reach skool by 7, but woke up at 7....missed a 197 coz the uncle seems to be in a "hurry" to go watch pokemon or something at the interchange, so i got there 750, got scolded by DM. Lukcily i wasn't alone....
anyway went to auditorium and found my OG, whihc was same with linden, so not so bad. Saw chuanchen too and then slowly more of my marist friends....made new maris friends too ahha....saw pl, jing lun, dean after that...
the whole bloody time i was sian and linden and me pon mass dance and went to canteen slack. saw hoe ann and his friend going to appeal into Tj, then after taht got caught "slacking" so went back....the whole time i was sian n sleepy...then hopped onto 16 adn overselpt AGAIN....more sian...luckily i woke up at kallang or i'll be at...orchard?

went back to stuff myself wiht junk food and happy lobster food filled with msg....then when i was watching spongebob my mum told me to go tkae something back from sheng siong coz she left her doc there. i rode the little bike coz my bro took the other, so i was like some clown....dunno went off in a hurry to find the thing but ended up cannot even find it, plus even missing my show...i went home perspiring all over and kinda pissed...i have no idea..maybe coz i missed my show? or my day simply sucks, or i'm mentally unstable....anyway mum went back and found it instead and started "scolding" and i took ALL the blame (as usual...i'm used to taking al the balme. after all it;s really partly my fault). more sian...sigh, hiaz...

anyway that's all folks....i dun wanna spend too much time blogging....

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It's smart to be lucky, not lucky to be smart.

Well well what can i say about my day....tiring, fun, or maybe something else....I haven't blogged for a long long time since i dun really feel like taking all the trouble juz to post an entry....but well today is a so-called-muz-post day due to meaningful activities( i think )

anyway i woke up at the usual holiday timin of 1030. Juz nice 8 hrs of sleep. Went with andrew and leon to visit more fish shops nearby since the shop nearby closed....hmm i wonder if there's any more shops i can buy my sacrificial specimens for my fish. Anyway after walking awhile under the blazing hot sun, i found out that the other shop was closed. We ended up "wandering" aimlessly towards parkway and gazed upon the beauty of maginificent aquariums. I'm aspired to create one of those one day....well today at least i improved from the past...i'll make sure i'll make the fish feel what's it like to be back home....Well andrew can't find the bichir and i dun get to see any unique species of fish that draws my when leon had to get something for his friend i went back home for lunch...

after preparing and all then i went off listening to my new mp3, but realised the holy list of BBQ stuff wasn't with me. So i went back perspiring all over and got out again to take 21...after standing on the bus for 1hr plus i finally reached the interchange where kev is waiting for me. When 403 came we saw melody too so we headed towards the bbq pit together.

in the end we stopped at the wrong stop, which was kinda far away from pit O. What i saw was pit 14, 13, 12...4, 3,2, zero nor o after walking awhile. Then melody said maybe after all the numbers is the alphabet Z....ahha well she was right in some way, coz the pits after numbers are alphabets. Luckily pit O was juz nearby...phew....Darryl, rach, raymond,bei jia were at the pit while we went to the playground and found jeff, dean, hansong, pl, angeline and sam. Jeff lost his hp while climbing the spiderweb but our attempt to find it was futile.

They started making the fire while some played cards and then we wanted to play soccer. ahah we practiced kicking while waiting for the owner of the ball to get ready so we could start playing. I was a noob so i be goal keeper/defender/extra which er well did nothing much other than preventing one goal. I was sitting on the grass laughing my head off while the rest scored. b4 i left was 2-0. Then coz xiao min kinda have difficulty finding the pit so i went to the stop that was the one we stopped b4 but on my way saw cb too. Then we headed to the pit and me and cb joined the soccer. I attempted own-goal but cb was too pro. Anyway i slacked around when kev and co. wanted to go rent bike or something.

then shu xian and bei jia wanna play pool. $2/game and it was kinda like a coin-slot machine. So in the end we cheated by collecting the balls b4 they enter the holes. haha so it was $1/game...coz we kinda played tooo long for one game and the uncle kinda noticed us....

then went back and started to bbq....the chicken was never cook even after 2 hrs and the satay were like stones. The so-called-cooked hot dogs i cannot complain since i believe all the food we ate weren't really cooked. Then after hours of bbq-ing and eating uncooked tasty stuff they started playing Zong ji mi ma (again) and everyone was kinda against dean but dean was against kev...ahahh i didn't really notice the "fun" things everyone was doing excpet hearing the laughter and sian-ness of bei jia asking pple to play polar bear....ahha games for hunters and polar bears so we can't

i have no idea what were xiao min, melody, dean, kev and all the others doing all the time coz i am peng-kang boy had to make sure the food is okay...which er...obviously failed my duty....Sam was singing songs all the time and we joined in. All the time no matter how much margarine and "solid-fuel" aka wasted food we added to the coal, food still was kinda the end i didn;t really eat alot. We ended up playing with food when jing lun came.....hs was saying he wants to be a fire fighter but used up all the margarine on the fire and we practically made the whole bbq pit on fire....ahahha attempt to burn down the park...we even applied margarine on the ketupat and otah, setting them on fire to cook real fast....they tried kenny rogers style of cooking chicken wings to give dean but it turned out black..ahaha stupid lobsters....

well i was trying to use the fire to speed up the cooking the end i have no idea y i ate it...maybe i dun wanna waste food.....aahaha kinda had a alittle tummy ache...but i think more of tummy muscle ache...laughed too much. Hiaz in the end shu xian went off 1st and we played and more lobsters then cleaned up the place. Headed to the bus stop but in the end even after running towards the stop the uncle pao qi us....we didn't want to wait at the other stop as there'll be loans of the end turns out not alot...ahha wasted my energy running towards the stop.

Then went to take mrt with kev, melody, angeline, pl and hs. Pl was teaching us "magic" card trick on the train....juz like the magical fire cb made by applying margarine on the grill and allowing it to drip on the charcoal. haha anyway went back with kev and made myself maggie mee, herbal tea and fruits. well after all these activity i wonder how can i survive tomorrow's outing...
ahha well cya in the obituary page 2. I'll be the one with coloured page with a power ranger mask. Readers, see u there! =D

Monday, March 07, 2005

不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什麼 我的心

well life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Day by day u get pieces of the jigsaw and piece them into ur memory. Some of these are deep down in the heart and needs some soulsearching to be done to get a piece juz to know wad u really want. The rest appears every now and then, whether u noticed them or not. Some appear at a later part of ur life, at differnt stages and different times. U need not finish the whole puzzle to feel a sense of satisfaction, for those who do so fail to seek wad they want. Rather, those who are satisfied with what they have have already completed their jigsaw puzzle even if everything isn't pieced.

hmmm i ahve no idea y i typed that out. Not KH, not anything, juz suddenly feel like sying that. Even after deciding on the choice of JC/ploy i still kinda doubt myself. Nvm let time pass and hopefully by then i can get some more pieces of jigsaw to one part of the picture...

anyway today the usual. Got up, sleep then woke up and found myself late again. Well at least today rained so they were having assembly in class. Then it was chem tutorial, then bio lecture about AIDS again, then i had lunch then headed for more lessons. Well for the 1st time in my entire history i pon a lesson - GP...coz i dunn wanna upset the teacher by not bringing my things again, i ended up staying in the library watching Shrek 2 and Scary Movie 3....laughed till my stomach aches...well 6-pack here i come =P....

anyway in the end found that they dun have newspaper review, but rather the review of past year GP....hiaz kinda regretted and felt guilty too. Then it was bio pract aka CINDY TAY. She taught us the mircospoe calibration and all. I understood the things until the last page wher i suddenly lost her...dunno y i cannot seem to understand...maybe i need to try reading it a few more times...then draw the onion epidermal cell AGAIN but the magnification of the cell is....weird...anyway wadever the case is, she made me "vice-vice bio rap" and made me collect the ws....nvm i feel honoured even though i was kinda sian doing that.....

Then after changing my ans i put into the pidgeon hole and went off with sihan. I was so sleepy i slept on the bus. Luckily xiao min called and my earphones keep making my ear woke me up b4 i missed my stop. Then after changing bus i went home to get fish food. I realised that the aquarium shop was gonna change place and opens only for 4 days. Hmm the nice shop uncle and auntie were saying if we need anything juz but then they'll give cheaper as they need to clear goods. Sometime they'll give it free....aahah dunno. Well i still got my $2 fish w/o discount for my knifefish...well dun expect to give me a discount as they deserve every cent of mine b4 i have to find another shop...

That shop was the one that made me stay inside for an hour plus juz looking at marine creatures and invoked the passion of marine biology in me....Or maybe rather made the inner passion grew bigger....hmm yup that would be more appropriate....i bought a lionfish for teacher's day from there too coz i always admired the Blue-ringed octopus, mantis shrimp, stone fish, lion fish, mandarin fish, jellyfishes and many more marine organisms. The uncle taught me many things abot the fish and about life too...okay maybe i sound kinda over-dramatic....i can juz say they're both v nice...

the last time i found the auntie's facial expression gives me a cold and unwelcoming feeling. But then after knowing them due to my frequent visits, i understood her face was well...hmm kinda like that. But when she smiles u can really see the glow on her face. Hahah reminds me of my grandma, juz that my grandma always glowed in brilliance. Well i'll see wad i need in my aquariums and go get some stuff b4 i can't...

anyway that's all i believe...kinda lengthy but to me it means alot.....=)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

At the end of every Darkest tunnel lies shimmering Brilliance

Admist the shadows i found light; in the brilliance i sought for darkness. Well the that KH lobsters are real cool....anyway today felt kinda better.

Started off my day my waking uo late and missing the most important moment of my life - Pokemon at 1030. Hiaz well i've been sleeping late these few days and kinda have difficulty waking up on time. Then my mum said she wants to bring me to TJ to look around. In the end after taking 197 we ended up missing the stop ( as usual becoz of me....) and my mum was kinda agitated. I wanted to reason, but i know silence is the best option. After all the scolding and nagging we were at interchange and then more scolding then change to take 38 to TJ. We were inside it for few minutes the went out. It's bigger compared to other JCs...then took bus back and she had to get dog food so i headed for the mrt...

Well after reaching Bishan late for OG meeting by 1hr 30 mins, they were playing Zong ji mi ma at Pastamania....added "flavouring" to the pasta and losers have to eat...haha i was kinda hungry so luckily i mamange to lose one time. Jeff, sam, darryl, dean were kinda the ones who are eating all the nice stuff and Chun boon kept complaining he wants to eat. Anyway in the end xiao min and cb never ate that delicious delicacy...Bei jia and angeline hated it and so did the rest...maybe me and cb are the only hungy ones....

then we headed to swensen to have and i added water to the dry ice to make more smoke, juz like steamboat!!!! Sam was daring dean to ask the waitress for Char Kuay Tiao or warming the ice water. More lobsters and prawns after that then we went to take neoprint. Then after that went to eat ice cream at mac...darryl ate until his teeth I took loads of straws and continued my investigation about making a larger heart....hmm chiem....anyway taught daryl and cb but yar they were as confused as i was in the past...

anyway then crap and lobsters me, cb and sam took mrt while the rest went off. Then i accompanied sam to buy his shirt at city hall but he cannot find a suitable one. i was kinda late to meet jd at his place so adter going with sam to raffles city to buy mrs and a card at hallmarks, he went off to find more jerseys. By then i was kinda hungry....$5.60....well kinda expensive, but it's nothing compared to the commitment of mrs ang to her teachings....thanks a million to her my eng from fail to A2....

anyway then headed to jd's place, wrote the card and then headed to tution in his dad's car....then hmmm for some reason my heart was speeding awhile b4 i stepped into the classroom. After awhile it's feels great seeing everyone i used to see in tution....then jd wanted to be transparency guy and went to the front to do his "job" but got rusty. As for me well at least i made an effort to shift to the front...then asked mrs ang if it's possible for a GP tution but dun have.....anyway got more opinion from her.

when i got home it was alrady 9 plus..luckily i hopped onto jd's dad and his ah-mah and mum also gave me pao and drinks at his pace so i wasn;t so hungry. Then after eating my mum told me my dad replied to my proposal. ahaha coz my dad wants to see my standsard of eng and see if i am suitable to take JC...well in the end i passed and my dad was satisfied with my work too....ahah well after eating i read his mail and i think i more or less came into a conclusion of heading to a JC....hopefully it's a choice that suits me....

anyway that's all folks....sleepy sleepy.....


愛你 不是因為你的美而已
我越來越愛你 每個眼神觸動我的心
未來這些日子 要好好珍惜
愛我 有些痛苦 有些不公平
如果真的愛我 不是理所當然的決定
感到妳的呼吸在我耳邊 像微風神奇
溫柔的安撫 我的不安定
所以我~要 每天研究你的笑容 ooh 多麼自然

forever love forever love
從今以後 你會是所有 幸福的理由

沿途雨季泥濘 偶爾阻礙我們的前進
感到妳的體溫在我懷裡 像陽光和煦
巧妙的融化 我的不安定
不可思議 證明我愛你的理由 ooh 多麼自然

forever love forever love
從今以後 妳會是所有 幸福的理由

妳感動的眼睛 我沉默的聲音
就讓我在說一次 I love you oh (直到永遠)

forever love forever love 我只想用我這一輩子去愛你
從今以後 妳會是所有 幸福的理由

Forever love forever love forever love