Friday, September 12, 2008

There's more to Dreams than it seems...

Woah i thought i lost my blog?!??! logged onto wrong email and then they promted me to start a new blog....i was like WTH?!?!

hmmm anyway, just wanted to note down some stuff i observed today and i feel it's kinda important to constantly remind myself of what i intend to do from the start, to continuously align myself to my goals....or maybe just to prep for ORD mail! =)))

i'm going to 20 this year. 20 years of living life and seeing how others live. And i realised i changed in some way, perhaps more matured thinking and more observant. matured in the way of how i construct my thoughts and ideas. Observant in how others mature and what i can do about it. which brings me to my point about....dreams. doing what u want.

sure, everyone wants to do what they want, do what they like, whenever, whatever. But something keeps binding them to the ground. Reality. People talk about setting goals and going all out to achieve what u really dreamt for. Then skeptics talk about realism and those who only can achieve their "dreams" are rich pple who doesnt have to worry about their everyday meals and accomodation. If they would talk about dreams they would go for something else. Perhaps more of....setting "realistic" goals. Something that u would love doing, but yet not too deviant from the safety net so that there's always a patch on grass to fall on from the clouds.

Let's talk about the 1st group - the idealists.
They believe strongly in values and achieving the impossible. They want to venture out of the safety of their nests to reach for the heavens. It's do or die, all or nothing. Aim for the heavens and enjoy eternal happiness, or fall hard on the ground and suffer mortality. In fact, even if they really do fall hard, they go out again. they're crazy; people with no rhyme or reason to their actions, or so it seems. they just do it because they like it. Because they want it. It's the..."Let's GO!" from Zohan. They're deviant from the rest. But when they finally achieve success, everyone envies them. What makes them so successful despite the constant fallbacks, i guess, would be the values and ideals they hold onto so dearly. Something that they constantly remind themselves of what they are doing for; Something that consistantly light up the dying flames of passion.
They are Rigid and stiff to their beliefs. They do not sway because of words from the ground (or inner self). Because once they do, they become mortal again. They are very extreme people who deviates from the majority yet stays rigid to their core values. They are the minority who really suceeded in doing the impossible.

Impossible is nothing. This phrase is all too commonly used. but ever wondered what's the difference between that and "nothing is impossible"? i gave it some thought and realised that the previous was more...motivating. Impossible, the futile, the improbable, is simply nothing. It can be ignored. whereas nothing is impossible feels more....pessimistic. The word at the back is being emphasised.

This is where the 2nd group comes. They want to be like the first group. They want to taste the fruits of success. But something is missing. The determination to go out from the nest, continuously for long periods of time. The will to go against currents, for the whole strech of the Nile River.(is that even a long river....hmmm). After being brought down to earth after several attempts to make it to heaven, they decided to go for something that's in the middle. Something that ain't too hard to achieve, yet something safe. U don't need to worry about 3 meals and a roof, yet u can do what u like (Take note it's not passion but liking...something that pple say "looks good", "i don't mind", "sounds okay"). They get what they like, they feel they are still near the safety net. They are also successful in their own ways. At times, even if things do not end up the way it is, they will strive on to survive(but not necessarily excel) like all mortals do.

"It's like that one. Nvm, suck thumb"

They will make do with what they have and make the best use of it. They are "flexible" people who get things done. They will find left way to the "by right". They have "changing" values to suit the climate. "as long as it's done, it's done. Doesnt matter if it's a black cat or white cat; as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat"

there's always the time when teens would start picking their Uni courses and parents keep nagging that taking this course would ultimately decide ur fate in life. They don't want to waste ur precious youth away,saying that money isnt a factor. Sure, i buy that. Then u go about job prospects. If it doesnt have a good paying job available, then u wasted the degree, u wasted ur youth. This is a real pain in the butt.
Idealists/rich pple will go with: I'll just do what i want. Whatever happens thereafter, i know i will be happy with what i would become; rich or poor. I'm successful because i'm satisfied with what i have become.
Realists/poor pple will go with : Sometimes passions cant be ur wooden rice bowl, so i'll go with something i can do and doesnt sound too dull. Income's good, i got a good life planned ahead, some spare cash to do what i like. There. I'm happy, therefore successful.

It's the case for S'pore. People are bound to the earth with thoughts of realism. When u said u want to be an astronaut, a scientist, an inventor when u were in primary skool, ur parents go about saying words of motivation and encouragement. Dream-building.
Then when u reach secondary/JC, u have to start choosing subjects. 3ple sci, humanities. Whatever that leads u to ur astronaut/dancer dream, go with it. Just keep ur options open. Do well, and ur future is still bright. Day-dreaming.
Then comes the painful process of choosing a uni course after ur A-level results. Sure, u can like what u study Astro-science/cultural dance/pokemon master. But when u go out, u probably be on the streets begging, or really be an astronaut, doing what u really wanted, enjoying all the things that u learn in the course; regardless of it's toughness or difficulty.
Fearing of the prospect u would be given, u go for something safer, something that u think u would like. Mech. Engine, or Mass Media. Whatever it is, u go out, mug like an idiot for years then slowly get use to the pain coz it's like that one, then u start to enjoy the pain, then get the holy alphabets of A/B/C that decide ur future, get a good job, get paid, get spare cash to have a dance class, or go get a nintendo DS play pokemon Diamond to get all badges. Nothing wrong with that. Both the astronaut and the pokemon master are equally happy, equally successful. (Living the dream, dreaming the life. the latter sounds bad, but in fact it's accepted already. it's like that one?)

So where's all this crap going to stop!??!?! hmmmm what i'm trying to mean is that....actually 2nd grp pple are just more adaptable, 1st grp pple are firm with their thoughts.
Whatever group u are in, or u choose to be in, it doesnt matter. Because u are already in that group, u will stay in that group. These are very separate groups that co-exists in everyone. But ultimately, keep ur dreams true to yourself. U can lose ur faith, lose ur heart, but never lose your values. The values will keep ur flame burining. At the end, both groups are able to do what they want to do. And that;s what matters most in Life.

"unattainable dreams are the best"
"whatever happens, protect ur soldier honour"