振翅吧, 黑色的翅膀
i find myself climbing the same mountain years ago, a mountain not too tall, yet the journey is long and tedious. The mountain i fell from a few times and landed hard and deep. Now i'm in the depths of void, numb of all around me. All the effort i put in ended up in vain. Futile attempts to escape from the Depths of Despair. Perhaps climbing up isnt the way out for me. Maybe it isnt my forte nor the path i should choose.
So what now? Climbing downwards, deeper, darker, emptier.....trying to embrace the void space prove to be a much more difficult path than up towards the warm brilliance. No matter. I await for the tiniest shimmer of light from the star to bring me back to salvation, away from despondence. But not now...for now i will need to persevere, to endure, to forget the Light. When the time is right, i will climb this mountain again, even if it would take me several falls back to the depths...
It does not matter what others do, nor does it matter whether it's right or wrong; what matters is what you do.

你有你的黑色翅膀 无法飞翔在我的天堂
精灵们冷冷目光 让我们坠落在彼此的脚下
收不起你的黑色翅膀 只能在黑暗的馀光游汤
聚集再多光芒 也只是批著天使外衣的狼
炫耀你黑色的翅膀 卸下你深白色的武装
振翅吧黑色的翅膀 寻找可以依靠的恶魔啊