Saturday, February 11, 2006

Learn the mistakes from others; u can't make them all by yourself

the title is a quote by usher, which i find it vvv true.....well juz feel like blogging after so long. i've been brooding over some stuff....hw, life, anything....dun forget my fish too...

i wondered if should give a go for my dream....[=Ichthyology=]....i had an idea in mind already...take a course of Marine biology in James Cook Uni, then graduate, prob get a job elsewhere, since s'pore dun really offer something like taht other than AVA....job scope really low who cares about the environment nowadays? sure we may get more aware everyday from the rate of destruction we have brought upon ourselves, but stop? impossible, i think we can only slow down the process. Doom is inveitable. Pessimistic? no, realistic i guess. or maybe runnig away from the end of the tunnel. Is this similar to me trying to achieve my..."goal"? i understand i can still keep fishes as a hobby, but what about my job? would i want to do taht as a job, or juz earn money for the sake of survival and keep this passion of mine? i dreamt of the 1st, but going back to reality, i think the 2nd is good enough.

Be satisfied with what u have, u may end up having more.

all the "Purpose" and "Passion" tlaks in my skool really make me ponder....

anyway that's one part of the "life"....the other is...this year is dog year, and according to my family it's a bad year for me need to bai tai sui ye...well i guess i already faced alot of probs end of last year....i spoilt the specs dad brought me, so i got a new one, spoilt it again, changed the frame, lost during cosplay event, bought another new one, spoilt it recently last month, so now changed the new frame....hahah....
a few days ago, my bro called and told me to go collect the fishes be brought back, and then bring the spare phone over to give my small aunt. i guess i was in a hurry so i packed everything properly - the charger, extra batt, all documents, but forgotten the HP. i was about to leave when it rained, plus i couldnt find the key for the lock of my bike, so i ran out when i juz bathed finish. i reached paya lebar mrt rather drenched, then passed everything to my bro and chiong back.

then he called my hp" chuan where's the HP?"
" eh? not there hor! omg..."
" okay okay nvm u go back later i talk to u...."

i strolled home till the rain stopped gradually. i kept asking wth am i doing ar? how come like taht? so retarded? i couldnt belive my own stupidity...AGAIN and AGAIN?!?!? i cannot stop repeating stupid things like this. why? why cant i learn? how to? what is wrong with me? i reached home stunned, loss of words, stupefied....time and time again i have disspointed myself....perhaps i lack something in life that could support me.........

well so bro had to bring back small aunt to get her hp and yar...not getting scolded coz i know, he know, everyone knows that i'm no longer a kid.....juz need some...refelction to do.....anyway suppose to meet small aunt the next day to mkae my specs at 6, turns out i thought it was at 7. late again....wth....somemore i changed to 33 and took to chinatown point...where's that? i have no idea. i wore some specs i found at home and kept looking around and even asked the bus driver for reassurance. turns out i missed the stop coz i wasnt observant enough, and the uncle thought it's chinatown....zzz...i backtracked and when i saw xiao gu, aka small aunt, she was like....rahter angry but dunno what to do with me...hiaz....retarded....anyway made my cheap $50 specs for army, then tried to talk rubbbish with her to decrease the tension in the air....i went back on 33 and some ah mah sat beside me....she thought i wanted to get down when i put my hp in my pocket, but then i shook my head and smiled. the ah mah smiled and nodded. then she saw me putting on my mp3 player and started tlaking to me in ENG about it...since i came from a hokkien family my grandparents rarely know any eng words....i had a casual conversation with her and then suddenly after talking about it she said u go listen lar i dun disturb u then i said nvm...then i tried to tlak to her by finding some topic.....i saw the raindrops on the windows and well, initiated another conversation to remove the silent barrier that separates strangers apart. dunno how we talk until what skool and job and all....she asked me to join engineering....haha same as my family....zzz.....well she dropped off at kallang airport, somewhere near my pri skool...

hmmm i find it v nice and comfortable to talk to old's like a very....enriching experience for me. i forgotten all about the bad incidents and realise it's true taht pple then to remember bad things that happen rahter than the good ones, despite the fact that good things tend to happen mroe often than bad ones. how to know if something is a "good thing"? as long as it's a smooth flight, it's a good flight.
黑猫或白猫, 只要能捉老鼠, 是好猫