Friday, April 22, 2005

Take the front row in Life

hahaha well i making rubbish titles.... though irrelavant, but inspirational(okay maybe to me only) and have funky-ness filled in

anyway gotta do my hw was GREAT.....well i started my day bad by feeling really sleepy adn guilty that i only did PI last nite till 12. i have LOADS of untouched, incompleted work....week of accumulation brought me down. i reached skool alrite, but as lessons proceeded i gradually felt sleepier....slept a few seconds in math and some lecture.....super tired...i tired to keep myself awake through sitting at the front row. kinda worked abit....physically, not mind was somewhere else sitting on the fence btwn reality and dreamland.....bad bad bad...i am writing out notes and filling in blanks without knowing what they really meant....well at least i passed gp into 3/5....i was already mroe tahn satisfied...spending 1/2 day thinking about the intro...ahahha

anyway went back after eating in skool, feeling miserable due to ulcerSSSS and loneliness...anyhow back home i SLACKED then did;s really bad if i continue doing my work liek that...i won't learn anything. anyhow went back to skool and found xuan zheng aka magician, and we proceeded to LT2 for chem make up lect.

we were laughing and all coz it's redox...worse didn';t really pay attention...nvm at least i understood some stuff. i finally learnt something in skool after so long. Anyhow, bio LT was removed AGAIN. I think they gave up on 2nd intakes....anyway Jie Kai aka magician's tu di came and we stayed behind...ahhah some were playing the piano while we played with the mike....need to release stress...

then jie kai played the piano...omg he is really really good....shen....grade 8....i was completely mesmerized by the music of the's unlike listening to the tired to copy ballade pour adeline, but kinda got siah i had the sudden urge to learn piano....Small dino muz teach me siah....another shen....=)

anyway went back and played bball with jd....then we contacted leon and andrew and they manage to come and never had such fun gathering of sec skool friends....we 4 kinda live close to each other and do things togehter in sec skool....felt so great when we have these gatehrings....hahah never felt so great b4. anyhow i did my leon-blocking-me-n-i-shoot-3-point-n-GOT-IN stunt...ahhaha i realised this last time ....feels great playing bball, esp with ur friends....then played match where i had a direct hit in the face after 3/4 of the old specs broke AGAIN....ahah luckily it wasn;t the "GOLD" specs....

then played without my specs....i won this friend in TJ in 1-1 last time w/o specs...amazing....anyhow luckily i contributed abit b4 my specs broke. haha i love this game....anyway i went off 1st coz it's 9 plus n i haven't eaten....


well skool was as usual i learnt nothing coz i cannot understand the basics but i undertand the concept....silly eh....then as i was waiting for make up after PE my friend told me it;s on kinematics no one i pon since i was already taught in NY and i kinda know how to do. as i tooked 197 back i saw an NYJCian walking across the road to the lib in marine parade...then i thought of my 1st 3 months then eh?!?!? xiao min!??! ahhaha so qiao...i dropped off and said hi. haha long time no see n we taked rubbish n PW....she was thinking of borrowing a book but can't find, so in the end she went back and i headed home with 16. hahah it;s a small small world....

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Do what u Love, Love what u do

well after getting fed up my's system error, i couldn't really be bothered to blog at all until i really feel like it. The last time i blogged to express my helplessness in life ended up the "Error on page. Refresh." and then ur post dissapears juz like magic. Amazing. But well even wasting my precious time on it, i realised that i still felt better by expressing my inner self. So yea who cares.

well today wasTJ sports day. I thought sports commitee and the judges and participants get to go off early at 11 15, but in the end found out they still stick to everyone ends at 12 for students and participants. hiaz so another "long" day in skool feeling stupid, useless, lonesome (sometimes with my loser club members or SCG)
the last lesson was especially demoralising - Physics pract. I dun really mind, juz that now in TJ they expect more lobster from u, and being my usual self who loves to have minimal anomalous results, tries to get a perfect swing in my pendulum. So everyone will do 1-2 tries b4 recording the reading, i'l take up to 4 times of theirs. The bloody wind made matters worse.
Whenever i have a stable oscillation the wind comes. So when i restart, i cannot get things correct again. Perfectionst some may say, but i think i juz want to do things properly rather than dun-give-a-damm.
In the end i spend too long and only got one set of results, with 3/6 anomalous results. Yipee. Hahah i was asking Ms Tan for guidance and suggestion, but sort of ka jiao-ing her ahhaha. Nice teacher. Yesterday i had make-up pract my specs broke i asked her for visual assistance from invigilator. ahhah so fun to talk to teachers like friends.
In the end, being a nice person, she told me to hand in on mon, so i juz crushed my hardwork and copied my friend's data.

then at 12 30 i had to go parkway to collect my 'gold' specs that costs a bomb. The old one fell apart last week n i've been using super glue at least 4 times. anyhow in the end i queued for burger king, chiong back to skool for track and AGAIN found the side-gate locked. Nvm an extra mile won't hurt, juz waste your time only, and i've already been wasting so much time, like doing this. I finally know which bird made that unique call, the king fisher. It was sitting on the drain railings looking so elegant.

anyhow got there late, drank coke and had fries, then noticed my whopper is gonna get cold from all the waiting for my event. In the end i threw my house's face in the 4x100m race. I was 1st runner and was 3rd in place, but well no one's fault that we got last. everyone tried so next time. in the end went to take a shower and wore back my sweaty clothes and ate my lunch that i bought 5 hrs ago. The once delicious burger and fries and cheesesticks and coke is now soggy, soft, diluted. Cool. Mouth watering. finished my lunch-dinner and went off with pl and jing lun to city hall to eat with og. haha pl telling the story of his friend Xiang long (i'm 53% of his intelligence) and the things he stole, ranging from shoes to durain. lol.....

@ city hall, we were lost at how to go funan it mall. luckily angeline told us how to get there and when we reached there we played x box games coz none of us want to pay so much to eat sakae sushi. Pl's broke, JL needs the cash for tmr, i dun want to use a single cent and i'm full. Playing 1/2 way kevin and ah-mah aka WX interrupted us so we had to go there.

At there we decided to have ala-carte rather than buffet coz no $$$. so i ordered ice green tea made of gold, JL and PL ordered sushi. hahah then we tried to smuggle some sushi from kevin group coz they have buffet. Then alot of waiters (pl calls them slaves) around so v difficult, esp this girl at the cashier at my 8 o'clock. She was v bu shuang with us coz i think she know's out intentions. Basket...anyhow we still managed to smuggle some sushi and prawn into our mouths ahahha....jl was the mastermind since being closest to the other table, he was the one doing all the job. ahhaha then this businessman in blue seem to know wad we are doing too. luckily i wasn;t in TJ shirt wiht my shirt on. anyhow we paid more in the end due to service charge and gst...sian. then we walked back to mrt and pl switched off the tv of the x box then turn on with a wrong channel...ahhah siao one we drank too much siy sauce in sakae so feeling high. raymund zao coz he had to go home.

then the go take neoprint i destoryed the 1st pic by putting my hand over the camera ahhaha....and it seems i look best with the loser sign. kevin likes Jl bag and vice versa so they changed bag in the end ahahha....anyhow after taking neoprint we noticed got this cool stuff hanging on the wall of the shop. i told pl the pet dog to take one so he did that ahhaah. then i say juz take the whole strand since so many are already missing. lol in the end he really took the whole thing n we zao. lol then kevin oso took more ahhaha. didn;t notice got so many things to take from the public.....

then pl had to go eat so me and kevin went off to take bus while jl, jeff, wx, angeline went to take mrt. haha got home 10 plus and ate 'dinner' then realised tomorrow have to go back m'sia for bai bai. so much hw, so little time. NVM, SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE. =)